Thirty-One Years on the Plains and in the Mountains, Or, the Last Voice from the Plains eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 540 pages of information about Thirty-One Years on the Plains and in the Mountains, Or, the Last Voice from the Plains.

Thirty-One Years on the Plains and in the Mountains, Or, the Last Voice from the Plains eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 540 pages of information about Thirty-One Years on the Plains and in the Mountains, Or, the Last Voice from the Plains.

Now Uncle Kit was anxious to reach Taos and meet Col.  Fremont, so we pushed on with all possible speed until the third day from where we met Juan with the letter, we met Col.  Fremont at the crossing of the Arkansas river.  He had became over-anxious and had started out to meet us.

It was late in the afternoon, so we went into camp and had supper, which consisted of dried venison and water, but for breakfast we had a change of diet, which was dried elk and water.

We learned that Col.  Fremont had been detailed the summer before by the government to command an exploring expedition across the continent, and, if possible, find a better route from the “States” to California.

It leaked out that some of the trappers who did not like to have him in the neighborhood of Bent’s Fort, for their own selfish motives, had misinformed him that first summer out, as to the lay of the country, hoping thereby to mislead him and his company into the mountains, where they would get snowed in and die of starvation.

Fremont and his party, consisting of twenty-eight men, had started up the Black Canyon, and they did get snowed in and had to stop for the winter.

They ran out of provisions and killed and ate some of their horses, but the other horses died of starvation and six of the men died of scurvy.

It being late when the Fremont party got into the mountains, and the snow-fall being very deep, the game went early to the lowlands and the men were forced to live on salt bacon and horse-flesh.  Even that became scarce and the entire company came near perishing before spring.

In the camp with Col.  Fremont that evening Uncle Kit and he made their bargain.  Carson was to furnish all the horses and was to have the right to take as many extra men and horses as he liked, also the right to trade for furs and send his men and their horses back whenever he desired to do so.

After eating heartily of the dried venison and hearing Col.  Fremont’s story of the dreadful experiences of his party in the Black Canyon, it was bedtime, and each man rolled himself in his blankets and soon all were sleeping, as tired men can, out on the plains.

We had an early breakfast, each man’s hunk of dried meat being handy, so there was really no preparation to be made, except to wash.  No compulsion, however, as to that.  But having distinguished company, all hands washed this morning before squatting for breakfast.

While we were eating, Fremont asked whose boy I was.  Uncle Kit replied that I was his boy, and “a first-class hunter and trapper, and he shoots Injuns purty well, too.”  He then related the incident of my killing the two Utes.

All arrangements having been made, Uncle Kit agreeing to meet Col.  Fremont at Bent’s Fort in three weeks, they separated and we pushed on for Taos.  On arriving there Uncle Kit hired two Mexicans to go back with Mr. Hughes to our beaver camp and get the furs, and he gave instructions to take the furs to Santa Fe and dispose of them.  Uncle Kit then employed Juan and a Texan boy named John West to assist us in fitting up for our California trip.  So at the end of three weeks we met Fremont at Bent’s Fort as per agreement.

Project Gutenberg
Thirty-One Years on the Plains and in the Mountains, Or, the Last Voice from the Plains from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.