we had seen them in great numbers on the side opposite
to us, probably to the amount of seventy of all ages;
but on seeing us launch our boat, they got into canoes
and went two or three miles farther up the lake, still
keeping on the south side. On the north side
we did not see any natives, and although on both sides
of the lake we were prepared for them, had they shown
themselves in numbers on the beach, yet all were not
on their guard against individual treachery.
One of the men, William Blake, had entered the brushes
about a hundred yards from the rest of the people on
the north side, with the design of cutting a cabbage
palm: he had cut one about half through, when
he received a spear through his back, the point of
it sticking against his breast bone. On turning
his head round to see from whence he was attacked,
he received another, which passed several inches through
the lower part of his body: he let fall the axe
with which he was cutting, and which was instantly
seized by a native, the only one he saw; and it was
probably the temptation of the axe that was the principal
incitement to the attack. Blake was immediately
put into the boat and sent over to the south side,
where the doctor was, who fortunately succeeded in
extracting both the spears; but from the nature of
the wounds, his chance of recovery was considered
very doubtful. It was so late before every thing
was got over, that we were obliged to remain on the
spot close to the wreck of the Governor Hunter.
The natives before dark had assembled in great numbers,
and we could count twelve or fourteen fires from their
camps. United as we were, we had little to fear
from their attacks, particularly in the night; and
we remained so short a time at any place, that we
did not give them time to make any concerted attack.
The country west and south-west of this lagoon is
rising forest land of pleasant appearance; but the
shores are flat, with thick brushes and steep fresh
water swamps. The lagoon itself is at low water
nothing but a sand shoal, with narrow and shallow
channels. The surf beats quite across the entrance,
and though at high water a small vessel might beat
over the bar, it would be a mere chance if she escaped
being lost upon the sand-rollers inside, the surf
breaking with a flood tide and easterly wind full
half a mile within the outer bar. The tides run
near four miles per hour, and the rise is from five
to eight feet. From the south side of the entrance
into the lake the highest part of the North Brother
bore north 15. E.; ditto of the South Brother,
north 8. 10. E. The point of land of the bay
northerly, distant seven or eight miles north 8. 30.
E.; and a high bluff point or projection southerly,
north 163. 30. E.