All the hemlocks, oaks, and dogwood thrived as if conscious that theirs had been no ordinary transplanting; while Minturn’s half-jesting prophecy concerning the travellers in the valley was amply fulfilled.
“Jack, she played with me deliberately, heartlessly. I can never forgive her.”
“In that case, Will, I congratulate you. Such a girl isn’t worth a second thought, and you’ve made a happy escape.”
“No congratulations, if you please. You can talk coolly, because in regard to such matters you are cool, and, I may add, a trifle cold. Ambition is your mistress, and a musty law-book has more attractions for you than any woman living. I’m not so tempered. I am subject to the general law of nature, and a woman’s love and sympathy are essential to success in my life and work.”
“That’s all right; but there are as good fish—”
“Oh, have done with your trite nonsense,” interrupted Will Munson, impatiently. “I’d consult you on a point of law in preference to most of the gray-beards, but I was a fool to speak of this affair. And yet as my most intimate friend—”
“Come, Will, I’m not unfeeling;” and John Ackland rose and put his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “I admit that the subject is remote from my line of thought and wholly beyond my experience. If the affair is so serious I shall take it to heart.”
“Serious! Is it a slight thing to be crippled for life?”
“Oh, come, now,” said Ackland, giving his friend a hearty and encouraging thump, “you are sound in mind and limb; what matters a scratch on the heart to a man not twenty-five?”
“Very well; I’ll say no more about it. When I need a lawyer I’ll come to you. Good-by; I sail for Brazil in the morning.”
“Will, sit down and look me in the eyes,” said Ackland, decisively. “Will, forgive me. You are in trouble. A man’s eyes usually tell me more than all his words, and I don’t like the expression of yours. There is yellow fever in Brazil.”
“I know it,” was the careless reply.
“What excuse have you for going?”
“Business complications have arisen there, and I promptly volunteered to go. My employers were kind enough to hesitate and warn me, and to say that they could send a man less valuable to them, but I soon overcame their objections.”
“That is your excuse for going. The reason I see in your eyes. You are reckless, Will.”
“I have reason to be.”
“I can’t agree with you, but I feel for you all the same. Tell me all about it, for this is sad news to me. I had hoped to join you on the beach in a few days, and to spend August with you and my cousin. I confess I am beginning to feel exceedingly vindictive toward this pretty little monster, and if any harm comes to you I shall be savage enough to scalp her.”