Mother Goose in Prose eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 166 pages of information about Mother Goose in Prose.

Mother Goose in Prose eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 166 pages of information about Mother Goose in Prose.

It was very dark by this time, but Little Boy Blue knew every turn and bend in the river, and the doctor helped him pull at the oars, so that at last they came to the place where a faint light twinkled through the cottage window.  They found the poor woman in much pain, but the doctor quickly set and bandaged her leg, and gave her some medicine to ease her suffering.  It was nearly midnight when all was finished and the doctor was ready to start back to the village.

“Take good care of your mother,” he said to the boy, “and do n’t worry about her, for it is not a bad break and the leg will mend nicely in time; but she will be in bed many days, and you must nurse her as well as you are able.”

All through the night the boy sat by the bedside, bathing his mother’s fevered brow and ministering to her wants.  And when the day broke she was resting easily and the pain had left her, and she told Little Boy Blue he must go to his work.

“For,” said she, “more than ever now we need the money you earn from the Squire, as my misfortune will add to the expenses of living, and we have the doctor to pay.  Do not fear to leave me, for I shall rest quietly and sleep most of the time while you are away.”

Little Boy Blue did not like to leave his mother all alone, but he knew of no one he could ask to stay with her; so he placed food and water by her bedside, and ate a little breakfast himself, and started off to tend his sheep.

The sun was shining brightly, and the birds sang sweetly in the trees, and the crickets chirped just as merrily as if this great trouble had not come to Little Boy Blue to make him sad.

But he went bravely to his work, and for several hours he watched carefully; and the men at work in the fields, and the Squire’s daughter, who sat embroidering upon the porch of the great house, heard often the sound of his horn as he called the straying sheep to his side.

But he had not slept the whole night, and he was tired with his long watch at his mother’s bedside, and so in spite of himself the lashes would droop occasionally over his blue eyes, for he was only a child, and children feel the loss of sleep more than older people.

Still, Little Boy Blue had no intention of sleeping while he was on duty, and bravely fought against the drowsiness that was creeping over him.  The sun shone very hot that day, and he walked to the shady side of a big haystack and sat down upon the ground, leaning his back against the stack.

The cows and sheep were quietly browsing near him, and he watched them earnestly for a time, listening to the singing of the birds, and the gentle tinkling of the bells upon the wethers, and the faraway songs of the reapers that the breeze brought to his ears.

And before he knew it the blue eyes had closed fast, and the golden head lay back upon the hay, and Little Boy Blue was fast asleep and dreaming that his mother was well again and had come to the stile to meet him.

Project Gutenberg
Mother Goose in Prose from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.