Mother Goose in Prose eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 166 pages of information about Mother Goose in Prose.

Mother Goose in Prose eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 166 pages of information about Mother Goose in Prose.

The boy then ran for some water that stood in a slough near by, and with this he bathed the stranger’s face and cooled his parched lips.  Then he gave him the remains of his bread and cheese, and soon the gentleman became strong enough to walk with Jack’s help to the cottage at the edge of the wood.

Grandma Horner was greatly surprised to see the strange man approaching, supported by her sturdy little grandson; but she ran to help him, and afterward gave him some old clothing of Grandpa Horner’s, to replace his own muddy garments.  When the man had fully rested, she brewed him her last bit of tea, and by that time the stranger declared he felt as good as new.

“Is this your son, ma’am?” he asked, pointing to Jack.

“He is my grandson, sir,” answered the woman.

“He is a good boy,” declared the stranger, “and a brave boy as well, for he has saved my life.  I live far away in a big city, and have plenty of money.  If you will give Jack to me I will take him home and educate him, and make a great man of him when he grows up.”

Grandma Horner hesitated, for the boy was very dear to her and the pride of her old age; but Jack spoke up for himself.

“I ’ll not go,” he said, stoutly; “you are very kind, and mean well by me, but grandma and grandpa have only me to care for them now, and I must stay with them and cut the wood, and so keep them supplied with food.”

The stranger said nothing more, but he patted Jack’s head kindly, and soon after left them and took the road to the city.

The next morning Jack went to the wood again, and began chopping as bravely as before.  And by hard work he cut a great deal of wood, which the wood-carter carried away and sold for him.  The pay was not very much, to be sure, but Jack was glad that he was able to earn something to help his grandparents.

And so the days passed rapidly away until it was nearly Christmas time, and now, in spite of Jack’s earnings, the money was very low indeed in the broken teapot.

One day, just before Christmas, a great wagon drove up to the door of the little cottage, and in it was the stranger Jack had rescued from the bog.  The wagon was loaded with a store of good things which would add to the comfort of the aged pair and their grandson, including medicines for grandpa and rare teas for grandma, and a fine suit of clothes for Jack, who was just then away at work in the wood.

When the stranger had brought all these things into the house, he asked to see the old teapot.  Trembling with the excitement of their good fortune, Grandma Horner brought out the teapot, and the gentleman drew a bag from beneath his coat and filled the pot to the brim with shining gold pieces.

“If ever you need more,” he said, “send to me, and you shall have all you wish to make you comfortable.”

Then he told her his name, and where he lived, so that she might find him if need be, and then he drove away in the empty wagon before Grandma Horner had half finished thanking him.

Project Gutenberg
Mother Goose in Prose from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.