Mother Goose in Prose eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 166 pages of information about Mother Goose in Prose.

Mother Goose in Prose eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 166 pages of information about Mother Goose in Prose.

And after that no one ever questioned the wond’rous wisdom of our wise man, and when he finally died, at a good old age, they built a great monument over his grave, and on one side of it were the words,

“Solomon; the Man who was Wond’rous Wise.”

and on the other side was a picture of a bramble-bush.

What Jack Horner Did

What Jack Horner Did

    Little Jack Horner sat in a corner,
    Eating a Christmas pie;
    He put in his thumb and pulled out a plum
    And said, “What a good boy am I!”

Little Jack Horner lived in an old, tumble-down house at the edge of a big wood; and there many generations of Horners had lived before him, and had earned their living by chopping wood.  Jack’s father and mother were both dead, and he lived with his grandfather and grandmother, who took great pains to teach him all that a boy should know.

They lived very comfortably and happily together until one day a great tree fell upon Grandpa Horner and crushed his legs; and from that time on he could not work at all, but had to be nursed and tended very carefully.

This calamity was a great affliction to the Horners.  Grandma Horner had a little money saved up in an old broken teapot that she kept in the cupboard, but that would not last them a great time, and when it was gone they would have nothing with which to buy food.

“I ’m sure I do n’t know what is to become of us,” she said to Jack, “for I am too old to work, and you are too young.”  She always told her troubles to Jack now; small though he was, he was the only one she could talk freely with, since it would only bother the poor crippled grandfather to tell him how low the money was getting in the teapot.

“It is true,” replied Jack, “that you are too old to work, for your rheumatism will barely allow you to care for the house and cook our meals; and there is grandpa to be tended.  But I am not too young to work, grandma, and I shall take my little hatchet and go into the wood.  I cannot cut the big trees, but I can the smaller ones, and I am sure I shall be able to pile up enough wood to secure the money we need for food.”

“You are a good boy, dear,” said grandma Horner, patting his head lovingly, “but you are too young for the task.  We must think of some other way to keep the wolf from the door.”

But Jack was not shaken in his resolve, although he saw it was useless to argue further with his grandmother.  So the next morning he rose very early and took his little axe and went into the wood to begin his work.  There were a good many branches scattered about, and these he was able to cut with ease; and then he piled them up nicely to be sold when the wood-carter next came around.  When dinner-time came he stopped long enough to eat some of the bread and cheese he had brought with him, and then he resumed his work.

Project Gutenberg
Mother Goose in Prose from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.