Tales and Novels of J. de La Fontaine — Volume 03 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 42 pages of information about Tales and Novels of J. de La Fontaine — Volume 03.

Tales and Novels of J. de La Fontaine — Volume 03 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 42 pages of information about Tales and Novels of J. de La Fontaine — Volume 03.
          But then, continued she, we ought to take
          An oath, that we will full discov’ry make,
          To one another of the various facts,
          Without disguising even trifling acts. 
          And then, good upright Macae shall decide;
          Thus things arrang’d, the ladies homeward plied.

          She, ’mong the three, who felt the most constraint
          Ador’d a youth, contemporaries paint,
          Well made and handsome, but with beardless chin,
          Which led the pair a project to begin;
          For yet no opportunity they’d found,
          T’ enjoy their wishes, save by stealth around;
          Most ardently she sought to be at ease,
          And ’twas agreed the lucky thought to seize
          That like a chambermaid he should be dress’d,
          And then proceed to execute the jest,
          Attend upon the wily, wedded pair,
          And offer services with modest air
          And downcast eyes; the husband on her leer’d,
          And in her favour prepossess’d appear’d,
          In hopes one day, to find those pleasing charms
          Resign’d in secret to his longing arms. 
          Such pretty cheeks and sparkling eyes he thought,
          Had ne’er till then his roving fancy caught;
          The girl was hir’d, but seemingly with pain,
          Since Prudence ultimately might complain,
          That (maid and master both so very young)
          ’Twould not be wonderful if things went wrong.

          Atfirst the husband inattention show’d,
          And scarcely on the maid a look bestow’d;
          But presently he chang’d his conduct quite,
          And presents gave, with promises not slight;
          At length the servant feign’d to lend an ear,
          And anxious seem’d obliging to appear.

          Thetrap our cunning lovers having laid,
          One eve this message brought the smiling maid;
          My lady, sir, is ill, and rest requires,
          To sleep alone to-night she much desires. 
          To grant the master’s wish the girl was led,
          And they together hurried off to bed.

          Thehusband ’tween the sheets himself had plac’d;
          The nymph was in her petticoat, unlac’d;
          When suddenly appear’d the wily wife,
          And promis’d harmony was turn’d to strife. 
          Are these your freaks, cried she with mark’d surprise;
          Your usual dish it seems then don’t suffice;
          You want, indeed, to have some nicer fare? 
          A little sooner, by the saints I swear,
          You’d me a pretty trick, ’tis clear, have shown,
          And doubtless, then, tit bits to keep been prone. 
          This, howsoe’er, to get you’re not design’d,

Project Gutenberg
Tales and Novels of J. de La Fontaine — Volume 03 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.