The Chaplet of Pearls eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 659 pages of information about The Chaplet of Pearls.

The Chaplet of Pearls eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 659 pages of information about The Chaplet of Pearls.

’He could not obtain another glimpse of Eustacie, and the hours passed tardily till the break up of the party.  Charles could scarcely release Sidney from his side, and only let him go on condition that he should join the next day in an expedition to the hunting chateau of Montpipeau, to which the King seemed to look forward as a great holiday and breathing time.

When at length the two youths did return, Sir Francis Walsingham was completely surprised by the usually tractable, well-behaved stripling, whose praises he had been writing to his old friend, bursting in on him with the outcry, ’Sir, sir, I entreat your counsel!  I have been foully cozened.’

‘Of how much?’ said Sir Francis, in a tone of reprobation.

’Of my wife.  Of mine honour.  Sir, your Excellency, I crave pardon, if I spoke too hotly,’ said Berenger, collecting himself; ‘but it is enough to drive a man to frenzy.’

’Sit down, my Lord de Ribaumont.  Take breath, and let me know what is this coil.  What hath thus moved him, Mr. Sidney?’

‘It is as he says, sir,’ replied Sidney, who had beard all as they returned; ’he has been greatly wronged.  The Chevalier de Ribaumont not only writ to propose the separation without the lady’s knowledge, but imposed his own daughter on our friend as the wife he had not seen since infancy.’

‘There, sir,’ broke forth Berenger; ’surely if I claim mine own in the face of day, no man can withhold her from me!’

‘Hold!’ said Sir Francis.  ’What mean this passion, young sir?  Methought you came hither convinced that both the religion and the habits in which the young lady had been bred up rendered your infantine contract most unsuitable.  What hath fallen out to make this change in your mind?’

’That I was cheated, sir.  The lady who palmed herself off on me as my wife was a mere impostor, the Chevalier’s own daughter!’

’That may be; but what known you of this other lady?  Has she been bred up in faith or manners such as your parents would have your wife?’

‘She is my wife,’ reiterated Berenger.  ’My faith is plighted to her.  That is enough for me.’

Sir Francis made a gesture of despair.  ’He has seen her, I suppose,’ said he to Sidney.

‘Yes truly, sir,’ answered Berenger; ’and found that she had been as greatly deceived as myself.’

‘Then mutual consent is wanting,’ said the statesman, gravely musing.

‘That is even as I say,’ began Berenger, but Walsingham help up his hand, and desired that he would make his full statement in the presence of his tutor.  Then sounding a little whistle, the Ambassador despatched a page to request the attendance of Mr. Adderley, and recommended young Ribaumont in the meantime to compose himself.

Project Gutenberg
The Chaplet of Pearls from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.