The Chaplet of Pearls eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 659 pages of information about The Chaplet of Pearls.

The Chaplet of Pearls eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 659 pages of information about The Chaplet of Pearls.

A gentle girl of seventeen was drawing near, her fair delicately-tinted complexion suiting well with her pale golden hair.  It was a sweet face, and was well set off by the sky-blue of the farthingale, which, with her white lace coif and white ruff, gave her something the air of a speedwell flower, more especially as her expression seemed to have caught much of Cecily’s air of self-restrained contentment.  She held a basketful of the orange pistils of crocuses, and at once seeing that some riot had taken place, she said to the eldest little girl, ’Ah, Nan, you had been safer gathering saffron with me.’

‘Nay, brother Berry came and made all well,’ said Annora; ’and he had been shut up so long in the library that he must have been very glad to get out.’

‘And what came of it?’ cried Philip.  ’Are you to go and get yourself unmarried?’

‘Unmarried!’ burst out the sisters Annora and Elizabeth.

’What, laughed Philip, ’you knew not that this is an ancient husband, married years before your father and mother?’

’But, why? said Elizabeth, rather inclined to cry.  ’What has poor Lucy done that you should get yourself unmarried from her?’

There was a laugh from both brothers; but Berenger, seeing Lucy’s blushes, restrained himself, and said.  ’Mine was not such good luck, Bess, but they gave me a little French wife, younger than Dolly, and saucier still; and as she seems to wish to be quit of me, why, I shall be rid of her.’

‘See there, Dolly,’ said Philip, in a warning voice, ’that is the way you’ll be served if you do not mend your ways.’

‘But I thought,’ said Annora gravely, ’that people were married once for all, and it could not be undone.’

’So said Aunt Cecily, but my Lord was proving to her out of all law that a contract between such a couple of babes went for nought,’ said Berenger.

‘And shall you, indeed, see Paris, and all the braveries there?’ asked Philip.  ’I thought my Lord would never have trusted you out of his sight.’

‘And now it is to be only with Mr. Adderley,’ said Berenger; ’but there will be rare doings to be seen at this royal wedding, and maybe I shall break a lance there in your honour, Lucy.’

‘And you’ll bring me a French fan?’ cried Bess.

‘And me a pouncet-box?’ added Annora.

‘And me a French puppet dressed Paris fashion?’ said Dolly.

‘And what shall he bring Lucy?’ added Bess.

‘I know,’ said Annora; ’the pearls that mother is always talking about!  I heard her say that Lucy should wear them on her wedding-day.’

‘Hush!’ interposed Lucy, ’don’t you see my father yonder on the step, beckoning to you?’

The children flew towards Sir Marmaduke, leaving Berenger and Lucy together.

‘Not a word to wish me good speed, Lucy, now I have my wish?’ said Berenger.

‘Oh, yes,’ said Lucy, ’I am glad you should see all those brave French gentlemen of whom you used to tell me.’

Project Gutenberg
The Chaplet of Pearls from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.