Sister Carrie eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 592 pages of information about Sister Carrie.

Sister Carrie eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 592 pages of information about Sister Carrie.

He was really moved by her excellent representation and the general appearance of the pathetic little figure as it swayed and finally fainted to the floor.  He had bounded up to catch her, and now held her laughing in his arms.

“Ain’t you afraid you’ll hurt yourself?” he asked.

“Not a bit.”

“Well, you’re a wonder.  Say, I never knew you could do anything like that.”

“I never did, either,” said Carrie merrily, her face flushed with delight.

“Well, you can bet that you’re all right,” said Drouet.  “You can take my word for that.  You won’t fail.”


The, to Carrie, very important theatrical performance was to take place at the Avery on conditions which were to make it more noteworthy than was at first anticipated.  The little dramatic student had written to Hurstwood the very morning her part was brought her that she was going to take part in a play.

“I really am,” she wrote, feeling that he might take it as a jest; “I have my part now, honest, truly.”

Hurstwood smiled in an indulgent way as he read this.

“I wonder what it is going to be?  I must see that.”

He answered at once, making a pleasant reference to her ability.  “I haven’t the slightest doubt you will make a success.  You must come to the park to-morrow morning and tell me all about it.”

Carrie gladly complied, and revealed all the details of the undertaking as she understood it.

“Well,” he said, “that’s fine.  I’m glad to hear it.  Of course, you will do well, you’re so clever.”

He had truly never seen so much spirit in the girl before.  Her tendency to discover a touch of sadness had for the nonce disappeared.  As she spoke her eyes were bright, her cheeks red.  She radiated much of the pleasure which her undertakings gave her.  For all her misgivings—­ and they were as plentiful as the moments of the day—­she was still happy.  She could not repress her delight in doing this little thing which, to an ordinary observer, had no importance at all.

Hurstwood was charmed by the development of the fact that the girl had capabilities.  There is nothing so inspiring in life as the sight of a legitimate ambition, no matter how incipient.  It gives color, force, and beauty to the possessor.

Carrie was now lightened by a touch of this divine afflatus.  She drew to herself commendation from her two admirers which she had not earned.  Their affection for her naturally heightened their perception of what she was trying to do and their approval of what she did.  Her inexperience conserved her own exuberant fancy, which ran riot with every straw of opportunity, making of it a golden divining rod whereby the treasure of life was to be discovered.

“Let’s see,” said Hurstwood, “I ought to know some of the boys in the lodge.  I’m an Elk myself.”

Project Gutenberg
Sister Carrie from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.