Sister Carrie eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 592 pages of information about Sister Carrie.

Sister Carrie eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 592 pages of information about Sister Carrie.

“There,” he said, holding back one of his own good cards, and giving Carrie a chance to take a trick. " I count that clever playing for a beginner.”

The latter laughed gleefully as she saw the hand coming her way.  It was as if she were invincible when Hurstwood helped her.

He did not look at her often.  When he did, it was with a mild light in his eye.  Not a shade was there of anything save geniality and kindness.  He took back the shifty, clever gleam, and replaced it with one of innocence.  Carrie could not guess but there it was pleasure with him in the immediate kind.  She felt that he considered she was doing a great deal.

" It’s unfair to let such playing go without earning something,” he said after a time, slipping his finger into the little coin pocket of his coat. " Let’s play for dimes.”

" All right,” said Drouet, fishing for bills.

Hurstwood was quicker.  His finger were full of new ten-cent pieces. " Here we are,” he said, supplying each one with a little stack.

" Oh, this gambling,” smiled Carrie. " It’s bad.”

" No,” said Drouet, " only fun.  If you never play for more than that, you will of to Heaven.”

" Don’t you moralize,” said Hurstwood to Carrie gently, " until you see what becomes of the money.”

Drouet smiled.

" If your husband gets them, he’ll tell you how bad it is.”

Drouet laughed loud.

There was such an ingratiating tone about Hurstwood’s voice, the insinuation was so perceptible that even Carrie got the humor of it.

" When do you leave?” said Hurstwood to Drouet.

" On Wednesday,” he replied.

" It’s rather hard to have your husband addressing Carrie like that, isn’t it?” said Hurstwood, addressing Carrie.

" She’s going along with me this time,” said Drouet.

" You must both go with me to the theater before you go.”

" Certainly,” said Drouet. " Eh, Carrie?”

" I’d like it ever so much,” she replied.

Hurstwood did his best to see that Carrie won the money.  He rejoined in her success, kept counting her winnings, and finally gathered and put them in her extended hand.  They spread a little lunch, at which he served the wine, and afterwards he used fine tact in going

" Now,” he said, addressing first Carrie and then.  Drouet with his eyes, " you must be ready at 7:30.  I’ll come and get you.”

They went with him to the door and there was his cab waiting, its red lamps gleaming cheerfully in the shadow.

" Now,” he observed to Drouet, with a tone of good fellowship, " when you leave your wife alone, you must let me show her around a little.  It will break up her loneliness.”

" sure,” said Drouet, quite pleased at the attention shown.

" You’re so kind,” observed Carrie.

" Not at all,” said Hurstwood, " I would want you husband to do as much for me.”

Project Gutenberg
Sister Carrie from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.