Sister Carrie eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 592 pages of information about Sister Carrie.

Sister Carrie eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 592 pages of information about Sister Carrie.

In the morning she got up and started out a little early.  Her decision to hunt for work was moderately strong, but the money in her pocket, after all her troubling over it, made the work question the least shade less terrible.  She walked into the wholesale district, but as the thought of applying came with each passing concern, her heart shrank.  What a coward she was, she thought to herself.  Yet she had applied so often.  It would be the same old story.  She walked on and on, and finally did go into one place, with the old result.  She came out feeling that luck was against her.  It was no use.

Without much thinking, she reached Dearborn Street.  Here was the great Fair store with its multitude of delivery wagons about, its long window display, its crowd of shoppers.  It readily changed her thoughts, she who was so weary of them.  It was here that she had intended to come and get her new things.  Now for relief from distress; she thought she would go in and see.  She would look at the jackets.

There is nothing in this world more delightful than that middle state in which we mentally balance at times, possessed of the means, lured by desire, and yet deterred by conscience or what of decision.  When Carrie began wandering around the store amid the fine displays she was in this mood.  Her original experience in this same place had given her a high opinion of its merits.  Now she paused at each individual bit of finery, where before she had hurried on.  Her woman’s heart was warm with desire for them.  How would she look in this, how charming that would make her!  She came upon the corset counter and pauses in rich reverie as she noted the dainty concoctions of color and lace their displayed.  If she would only make up her mind, she could have one or those now.  She lingered in the jewelry department.  She saw the earrings, the bracelets, the pins, the chains.  What would she not have given if she could have had them all!  She would look fine too, if only she had some of these things.

The jackets were the greatest attraction.  When she entered the store, she already had her heart fixed upon the peculiar little tan jacket with large mother-of-pearl buttons which was all the rage that fall.  Still she delighted to convince herself that there was nothing she would like better.  She went about among the glass cases and racks where these things were displayed, and satisfied herself that the one she thought of was the proper one.  All the time she wavered in mind, now persuading herself that she could buy it right away if she chose, now recalling to herself the actual condition.  At last the noon hour was dangerously near, and she had done nothing.  She must go now and return the money.

Drouet was on the corner when she came up.

" Hello,” he said, " where is the jacket and"-looking down-” the shoes?”

Carrie had thought lead up to her decision in some intelligent way, but this swept the whole fore-schemed situation by the board.

Project Gutenberg
Sister Carrie from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.