Sister Carrie eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 592 pages of information about Sister Carrie.

Sister Carrie eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 592 pages of information about Sister Carrie.

When Carrie reached her own room she had already fallen a prey to those doubts and misgivings which are ever the result of a lack of decision.  She could not persuade herself as to the advisability of her promise, or that now, having given her word, she ought to keep it.  She went over the whole ground in Hurstwood’s absence, and discovered little objections that had not occurred to her in the warmth of the manager’s argument.  She saw where she had put herself in a peculiar light, namely, that of agreeing to marry when she was already supposedly married.  She remembered a few things Drouet had done, and now that it came to walking away from him without a word, she felt as if she were doing wrong.  Now, she was comfortably situated, and to one who is more or less afraid of the world, this is an urgent matter, and one which puts up strange, uncanny arguments.  “You do not know what will come.  There are miserable things outside.  People go a-begging.  Women are wretched.  You never can tell what will happen.  Remember the time you were hungry.  Stick to what you have.”

Curiously, for all her leaning towards Hurstwood, he had not taken a firm hold on her understanding.  She was listening, smiling, approving, and yet not finally agreeing.  This was due to a lack of power on his part, a lack of that majesty of passion that sweeps the mind from its seat, fuses and melts all arguments and theories into a tangled mass, and destroys for the time being the reasoning power.  This majesty of passion is possessed by nearly every man once in his life, but it is usually an attribute of youth and conduces to the first successful mating.

Hurstwood, being an older man, could scarcely be said to retain the fire of youth, though he did possess a passion warm and unreasoning.  It was strong enough to induce the leaning toward him which, on Carrie’s part, we have seen.  She might have been said to be imagining herself in love, when she was not.  Women frequently do this.  It flows from the fact that in each exists a bias toward affection, a craving for the pleasure of being loved.  The longing to be shielded, bettered, sympathized with, is one of the attributes of the sex.  This, coupled with sentiment and a natural tendency to emotion, often makes refusing difficult.  It persuades them that they are in love.

Once at home, she changed her clothes and straightened the rooms for herself.  In the matter of the arrangement of the furniture she never took the housemaid’s opinion.  That young woman invariably put one of the rocking-chairs in the corner, and Carrie as regularly moved it out.  To-day she hardly noticed that it was in the wrong place, so absorbed was she in her own thoughts.  She worked about the room until Drouet put in appearance at five o’clock.  The drummer was flushed and excited and full of determination to know all about her relations with Hurstwood.  Nevertheless, after going over the subject in his mind the livelong day, he was rather weary of it and wished it over with.  He did not foresee serious consequences of any sort, and yet he rather hesitated to begin.  Carrie was sitting by the window when he came in, rocking and looking out.  “Well,” she said innocently, weary of her own mental discussion and wondering at his haste and ill-concealed excitement, “what makes you hurry so?”

Project Gutenberg
Sister Carrie from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.