The Girl Scout Pioneers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 169 pages of information about The Girl Scout Pioneers.

The Girl Scout Pioneers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 169 pages of information about The Girl Scout Pioneers.

“Well, all right, Prince Charming.  I won’t ask you to climb the tree, but Jerry—­I can hardly wait.  Oh, isn’t it too wonderful?” and the pretty little girl clapped her hands quite like any ordinary youngster.

Here was Tessie’s chance.  These were a different sort of people and perhaps they would take her on without any reference!

Acting on the moment’s impulse, she picked her bag up and entered the gate.  The young man sat bolt upright and seemed inclined to laugh.

“Oh, wherever did you come from?” asked the girl in the chair.  “We were just telling fairy stories,” and she smiled as if Tessie had been a sequence to the tale.

“I’m looking for work,” spoke Tessie bravely, “and this seemed such a big place, do you know if they need any extra help?”

The child shot a volley of meaning glances at the young man.  Anyone could have interpreted the code as signifying interest and pleasure.

“We would have to consult the housekeeper,” the young man answered quickly.  He gave his head a defiant toss, contradicting the joy expressed by his sister.

“Oh, but perhaps—­” faltered the girl.  “Gerald, don’t you think maybe you and I might manage to take this nice girl to work?  I’d just love to have a very young person to talk to when I can’t have you,” and the big blue eyes rolled oceans of appeal into the face of the handsome brother.

“Jack, you know I’m your slave,” he answered.  “But even I cannot always manage Mrs. Bennet.  But we can ask her,” smiling at Tessie.  “Come along!” He sprang to his position at the wheel-chair.  “Mrs. Bennet should be glad enough to grant any favor on so perfect a morning.”

“Then don’t forget our plans, Jerry,” the sister cautioned mysteriously.  “If it all works out as I am dreaming, brother, oh, what a glorious time we will have!  Come on”—­to Tessie—­“I’m just going to make Mrs. Bennet take you on.  She’s awfully particular, but since I haven’t been able to walk I just impose on brother Gerald.  And he has been so kind,” patting the hand resting round her chair, “and couldn’t you and I have good times together?  What shall I call you?” she asked naively.

“Stacia Wertz,” replied Tessie, assuming another name to cover her knowledge of the Osborne situation.

“That’s from Anastasia, isn’t it?”

“Now, Jacqueline,” spoke the brother, “I have to run in town early this morning, so if we are going to storm the Bennet we had best mass for the attack.  Suppose we sit here,” as they reached a rustic bench, “and prepare our story.”

A half-hour later, in spite of all protests from the particular Mrs. Bennet, who as housekeeper for Gerald Douglass and his young sister Jacqueline, had good reason to value her reputation, Tessie (now Stacia) was engaged.  Her especial duties were to be with Jacqueline, and Mrs. Bennet deplored to Mr. Gerald the fact that this young girl brought no reference.

Project Gutenberg
The Girl Scout Pioneers from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.