Tales from the Arabic — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 791 pages of information about Tales from the Arabic — Complete.

Tales from the Arabic — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 791 pages of information about Tales from the Arabic — Complete.
King Bekhtzeman, Story of, i. 115. 
King Bihkerd, Story of, i. 121. 
King and his Chamberlain’s Wife, The, ii. 53. 
King Dadbin and his Viziers, Story of, i. 104. 
King (The Dethroned), whose Kingdom and Good were restored to him, i. 285. 
King of Ind and his Vizier, The, ii. 105. 
King Ibrahim and his Son, Story of, i. 138. 
King who lost Kingdom and Wife and Wealth, The, ii. 66. 
King, The Old Woman, the Merchant and the, i. 265. 
King who knew the Quintessence of Things, The, i. 230. 
King Shah Bekht and his Vizier Er Rehwan, i. 215. 
King Suleiman Shah and his Sons, Story of, i. 150
King (The Unjust) and the Tither, i. 273. 
King’s Daughter of Baghdad, El Abbas and the, iii. 53. 
King’s Son of Cashghar, Abdullah ben Nafi and the, ii. 195. 
Kings and the Vizier’s Daughters, The Two, iii. 145.

Lackpenny and the Cook, The, i. 9. 
Lavish of House and Victual to one whom he knew not, The Man who was, i. 293. 
Learned Man, Khelbes and his Wife and the, i. 301. 
Lewdness, The Pious Woman accused of, ii. 5. 
Locust, The Hawk and the, ii. 50. 
Looking to the Issues of Affairs, Of, i. 80. 
Lover, The Favourite and her, iii. 165.

Malice, Of Envy and, i. 125. 
Mamoun (El) El Hakim bi Amrillah, The Merchant and the Favourite of the Khalif, iii. 171. 
Mamoun (El) and Zubeideh, i. 199. 
Man whose Caution was the Cause of his Death, The, i. 291. 
Man and his Fair Wife, The Foul-favoured, ii. 61. 
Man of Khorassan, his Son and his Governor, Story of the, i. 218. 
Man who was lavish of House and Victual to One whom he knew not, The, i 293. 
Mariyeh, El Abbas and, iii. 53. 
Marriage to the Poor Old Man, The Rich Man who gave his Fair Daughter in, i. 247. 
Melik (El) Ez Zahir Rukneddin Bibers el Bunducdari and the Sixteen Officers of Police, ii. 117. 
Men and our Lord Jesus, The Three, i. 282. 
Merchant of Cairo and the Favourite of the Khalif El Maraoun El Hakim bi Amrillah, The, iii.
Merchant and the King, The Old Woman, the, i. 265. 
Merchant and his Sons, The, i. 81. 
Merchant, The Unlucky, i. 73. 
Merchants, The Sharper and the, ii. 46. 
Merouzi (El) and Er Razi, ii. 28. 
Merry Jest of a Thief, A, ii. 186. 
Money-Changer and the Ass, The Sharpers, the, ii. 41.

Ninth Officer’s Story, The, ii. 167. 
Noureddin Ali of Damascus and Sitt el Milan, iii, 3. 
Numan (En) and the Arab of the Benou Tai, i. 203.

Officer’s Story, The First, ii. 122. 
Officer’s Story, The Second, ii. 134. 
Officer’s Story, The Third, ii. 137. 
Officer’s Story, The Fourth, ii. 142. 
Officer’s Story, The Fifth, ii. 144. 
Officer’s Story, The Sixth, ii. 146. 
Officer’s Story, The Seventh, ii. 150. 
Officer’s Story, the Eighth, ii. 155. 
Officer’s Story, The Ninth, ii. 167. 
Officer’s Story, The Tenth, ii. 172. 
Officer’s Story, The Eleventh, ii. 175. 

Project Gutenberg
Tales from the Arabic — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.