Were not the darkness still in gender masculine, iii.
What strength have I solicitude and long desire to
bear, iii. 20.
When in the sitting-chamber we for merry-making sate,
iii. 135.
Whenas mine eyes behold thee not, that day, iii. 47.
Whenas the soul desireth one other than its peer,
ii 207.
Wind of the East, if thou pass by the land where my
loved ones dwell, I pray, ii. 204, 271.
Would God upon that bitterest day, when my death calls
for me, i. 47
Would we may live together, and when we come to die,
i. 47.
Ye chide at one who weepeth for troubles ever new,
iii. 30.
Ye know I’m passion-maddened, racked with love
and languishment, ii. 230.
Your coming to-me-ward, indeed, with “Welcome!
Fair welcome!” I hail, iii. 136.
Your water I’ll leave without drinking, for
there, i. 210.
N.B.-The Roman numerals denote the volume, the Arabic the page
Abbas (El) and the King’s Daughter of Baghdad,
iii. 53.
Abbaside, Jaafer ben Yehya and Abdulmelik ben Salih
the, i. 183.
Abdallah ben Nafi and the King’s Son of Cashghar,
ii. 195.
Abdulmelik ben Salih the Abbaside, Jaafer ben Yehya,
and, i. 183.
Abou Sabir, Story of, i. 90.
Abou Temam, Story of Ilan Shah and, i. 126.
Actions, Of the Issues of Good and Evil, i. 103.
Advantages of Patience, Of the, i. 89.
Affairs, Of Looking to the Issues of, i. 80.
Ali of Damascus and Sitt el Milah, Noureddin, iii.
Appointed Term, Of the, i. 147.
Arab of the Benou Tai, En Numan and the, i. 203.
Asleep and Awake, i. 5.
Ass, the Sharpers, the Money-Changer and the, ii.
Awake, Asleep and, i. 5.
Azadbekht and his Son, History of King, i. 61
Baghdad, El Abbas and the King’s Daughter of,
iii. 53.
Barmecides, Er Reshid and the, i. 189.
Barmecides, Haroun er Reshid and the Woman of the,
i. 57.
Bekhtzeman, Story of King, i. 115.
Benou Tai, En Numan and the Arab of the, i. 203.
Bibers el Bunducdari and the Sixteen Officers of Police,
El Melik ez Zahir Rukneddin, ii. 117.
Bihkerd, Story of King, i. 121.
Bihzad, Story of Prince, i. 99.
Bunducdari (El) and the Sixteen Officers of Police,
El Melik ez Zahir Rukneddin Bibers, ii. 117.
Cairo (The Merchant of) and the Favourite of the Khalif
El Mamoun El Hakim bi Amrillah, iii.
Cashghar, Abdallah ben Nafi and the King’s Son
of, ii. 195.
Caution was the Cause of his Death, The Man whose,
i 291.
Chamberlain’s Wife, The King and his, ii. 53.
Clemency, Of, i. 120.
Cook, The Lackpenny and the, i. 9.
Craft, Women’s, ii. 287.
Credulous Husband, The, i. 270.