Tuhfeh arose and kissed the earth and the queen thanked her for this and bade her sit. So she sat down and the queen called for food; whereupon they brought a table of gold, inlaid with pearls and jacinths and jewels and spread with various kinds of birds and meats of divers hues, and the queen said, ’O Tuhfeh, in the name of God, let us eat bread and salt together, thou and I.’ So Tuhfeh came forward and ate of those meats and tasted somewhat the like whereof she had never eaten, no, nor aught more delicious than it, what while the slave-girls stood compassing about the table and she sat conversing and laughing with the queen. Then said the latter, ’O my sister, a slave-girl told me of thee that thou saidst, “How loathly is yonder genie Meimoun! There is no eating [in his presence]."’[FN#227] ’By Allah, O my lady,’ answered Tuhfeh, ’I cannot brook the sight of him,[FN#228] and indeed I am fearful of him.’ When the queen heard this, she laughed, till she fell backward, and said, ’O my sister, by the virtue of the inscription upon the seal-ring of Solomon, prophet of God, I am queen over all the Jinn, and none dare so much as look on thee a glance of the eye.’ And Tuhfeh kissed her hand. Then the tables were removed and they sat talking.
Presently up came the kings of the Jinn from every side and kissed the earth before the queen and stood in her service; and she thanked them for this, but stirred not for one of them. Then came the Sheikh Aboultawaif Iblis (God curse him!) and kissed the earth before her, saying, ’O my lady, may I not be bereft of these steps!’[FN#229] O Sheikh Aboultawalf,’ answered she, ’it behoveth thee to thank the bounty of the Lady Tuhfeh, who was the cause of my coming.’ ‘True,’ answered he and kissed the earth. Then the queen fared on [towards the palace] and there [arose and] alighted upon the trees an hundred thousand birds of various colours. Quoth Tuhfeh, ‘How many are these birds!’ And Queen Wekhimeh said to her, ’Know, O my sister, that this queen is called Queen Es Shuhba and that she is queen over all the Jinn from East to West. These birds that thou seest are of her troops, and except they came in this shape, the earth would not contain them. Indeed, they came forth with her and are present with her presence at this circumcision. She will give thee after the measure of that which hath betided thee[FN#230] from the first of the festival to the last thereof; and indeed she honoureth us all with her presence.’
Then the queen entered the palace and sat down on the throne of the circumcision[FN#231] at the upper end of the hall, whereupon Tuhfeh took the lute and pressing it to her bosom, touched its strings on such wise that the wits of all present were bewildered and the Sheikh Iblis said to her, ’O my lady Tuhfeh, I conjure thee, by the life of this worshipful queen, sing for me and praise thyself, and gainsay me not.’ Quoth she, ’Hearkening and obedience; yet, but for the adjuration by which thou conjurest me, I had not done this. Doth any praise himself? What manner of thing is this?’ Then she improvised and sang the following verses: