Tales from the Arabic — Volume 01 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 282 pages of information about Tales from the Arabic — Volume 01.

Tales from the Arabic — Volume 01 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 282 pages of information about Tales from the Arabic — Volume 01.
So she wrapped me in the mat, and when he had gone about his business, I came forth and we returned to what we were about.’  This was grievous to the druggist and he repented of having taught him [how he should do] and misdoubted of his wife.  So he said to the singer, ’And what said she to thee at thy going away?’ And the other answered, ’She bade me come back to her on the morrow.  So, behold, I am going to her and I came not hither but that I might acquaint thee with this, lest thy heart be occupied with me.’  Then he took leave of him and went his way.  As soon as the druggist was assured that he had reached the house, he cast the net over his shop[FN#195] and made for his house, misdoubting of his wife, and knocked at the door.

Now the singer had entered and the druggist’s wife said to him, ‘Arise, enter this chest.’  So he entered it and she shut the lid on him and opened to her husband, who came in, in a state of bewilderment, and searched the house, but found none and overlooked the chest.  So he said in himself, ’The house [of which the singer spoke] is one which resembleth my house and the woman is one who resembles my wife,’ and returned to his shop; whereupon the singer came forth of the chest and falling upon the druggist’s wife, did his occasion and paid her her due and weighed down the scale for her.[FN#196] Then they ate and drank and kissed and clipped, and on this wise they abode till the evening, when she gave him money, for that she found his weaving good,[FN#197] and made him promise to come to her on the morrow.

So he left her and slept his night and on the morrow he repaired to the shop of his friend the druggist and saluted him.  The other welcomed him and questioned him of his case; whereupon he told him how he had fared, till he came to the mention of the woman’s husband, when he said, ’Then came the cuckold her husband and she clapped me into the chest and shut the lid on me, whilst her addlepated pimp of a husband went round about the house, top and bottom; and when he had gone his way, we returned to what we were about.’  With this, the druggist was certified that the house was his house and the wife his wife, and he said, ’And what wilt thou do to-day?’ Quoth the singer, ’I shall return to her and weave for her and full her yarn,[FN#198] and I came but to thank thee for thy dealing with me.’

Then he went away, whilst the fire was loosed in the heart of the druggist and he shut his shop and betaking himself to his house, knocked at the door.  Quoth the singer, ’Let me get into the chest, for he saw me not yesterday.’  ‘Nay,’ answered she, ’wrap thyself up in the rug.’  So he wrapped himself up in the rug and stood in a corner of the room, whilst the druggist entered and went straight to the chest, but found it empty.  Then he went round about the house and searched it from top to bottom, but found nothing and no one and abode between belief and disbelief, and said in himself, ’Belike, I suspect my wife of that which is not in her.’  So he was certified of her innocence and returned to his shop, whereupon out came the singer and they abode on their former case, as of wont, till eventide, when she gave him one of her husband’s shirts and he took it and going away, passed the night in his lodging.

Project Gutenberg
Tales from the Arabic — Volume 01 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.