The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 137 pages of information about The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer — Volume 2.

The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 137 pages of information about The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer — Volume 2.

“Which way now, your honor?” said a shrill voice from the dark—­for such the night had already become, and threatened with a few heavy drops of straight rain, the fall of a tremendous shower.

“The Naas road,” said I; “and, harkye, my fine fellow, if you overtake the coach in half an hour, I’ll double your fare.”

“Be gorra, I’ll do my endayvour,” said the youth; at the same time instant dashing in both spurs, we rattled down Nassau-street at a very respectable pace for harriers.  Street after street we passed, and at last I perceived we had got clear of the city, and were leaving the long line of lamp-lights behind us.  The night was now pitch dark.  I could not see any thing whatever.  The quick clattering of the wheels, the sharp crack of the postillion’s whip, or the still sharper tone of his “gee hup,” showed me we were going at a tremendous pace, had I not even had the experience afforded by the frequent visits my head paid to the roof of the chaise, so often as we bounded over a stone, or splashed through a hollow.  Dark and gloomy as it was, I constantly let down the window, and with half my body protruded, endeavores to catch a glimpse of the “Chase;” but nothing could I see.  The rain now fell in actual torrents; and a more miserable night it is impossible to conceive.

After about an hour so spent, he at last came to a check, so sudden and unexpected on my part, that I was nearly precipitated, harlequin fashion, through the front window.  Perceiving that we no longer moved, and suspecting that some part of our tackle had given way, I let down the sash, and cried out—­“Well now, my lad, any thing wrong?” My questions was, however, unheard; and although, amid the steam arising from the wet and smoking horses, I could perceive several figures indistinctly moving about, I could not distinguish what they were doing, nor what they said.  A laugh I certainly did hear, and heartily cursed the unfeeling wretch, as I supposed him to be, who was enjoying himself at my disappointment.  I again endeavoured to find out what had happened, and called out still louder than before.

“We are at Ra’coole, your honor,” said the boy, approaching the door of the chaise, “and she’s only beat us by hafe a mile.”

“Who the devil is she?” said I.

“The mail, your honor, is always a female in Ireland.”

“Then why do you stop now?  You’re not going to feed I suppose?”

“Of course not, your honor, it’s little feeding troubles these bastes, any how, but they tell me the road is so heavy we’ll never take the chaise over the next stage without leaders.”

“Without leaders!” said I.  “Pooh! my good fellow, no humbugging, four horses for a light post-chaise and no luggage; come get up, and no nonsense.”  At this moment a man approached the window with a lantern in his hand, and so strongly represented the dreadful state of the roads from the late rains—­the length of the stage—­the frequency of accidents latterly from under-horsing, &c. &c. that I yielded, a reluctant assent, and ordered out the leaders, comforting myself the while, that considering the inside fare of the coach, I made such efforts to overtake, was under a pound, and that time was no object to me, I certainly was paying somewhat dearly for my character for resolution.

Project Gutenberg
The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.