Sejanus: His Fall eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 220 pages of information about Sejanus.

Sejanus: His Fall eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 220 pages of information about Sejanus.

Accost, draw near, approach.

ACKNOWN, confessedly acquainted with.

Acme, full maturity.

ADALANTADO, lord deputy or governor of a Spanish province.

ADJECTION, addition.

Admiration, astonishment.

Admire, wonder, wonder at.

ADROP, philosopher’s stone, or substance from which obtained.

ADSCRIVE, subscribe.

Adulterate, spurious, counterfeit.

Advance, lift.

Advertise, inform, give intelligence.

Advertised, “be—­,” be it known to you.

Advertisement, intelligence.

Advise, consider, bethink oneself, deliberate.

Advised, informed, aware; “are you—?” have you found that out?

Affect, love, like; aim at; move.

Affected, disposed; beloved.

Affectionate, obstinate; prejudiced.

Affects, affections.

Affront, “give the—­,” face.

AFFY, have confidence in; betroth.

After, after the manner of.

Again, against, in anticipation of.

Aggravate, increase, magnify, enlarge upon.

AGNOMINATION.  See Paranomasie.

AIERY, nest, brood.

Aim, guess.

All hid, children’s cry at hide-and-seek.

All-to, completely, entirely ("all-to-be-laden").

Allowance, approbation, recognition.

Alma-CANTARAS (astronomy), parallels of altitude.

ALMAIN, name of a dance.

ALMUTEN, planet of chief influence in the horoscope.

Alone, unequalled, without peer.

ALUDELS, subliming pots.

Amazed, confused, perplexed.

Amber, AMBRE, ambergris.

AMBREE, Mary, a woman noted for her valour at the
siege of Ghent, 1458.

Ames-Ace, lowest throw at dice.

AMPHIBOLIES, ambiguities.

Amused, bewildered, amazed.

An, if.

Anatomy, skeleton, or dissected body.

ANDIRONS, fire-dogs.

Angel, gold coin worth 10 shillings, stamped with the figure of the archangel Michael.

ANNESH Cleare, spring known as Agnes le Clare.

Answer, return hit in fencing.

Antic, antique, clown, buffoon.

Antic, like a buffoon.

ANTIPERISTASIS, an opposition which enhances the quality it opposes.

APOZEM, decoction.

APPERIL, peril.

Apple-John, apple-squire, pimp, pander.

Apply, attach.

Apprehend, take into custody.

Apprehensive, quick of perception; able to perceive and appreciate.

Project Gutenberg
Sejanus: His Fall from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.