Sejanus: His Fall eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 220 pages of information about Sejanus.

Sejanus: His Fall eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 220 pages of information about Sejanus.

1 Sen.  Away.

2 Sen.  Sit farther.

Cot.  Let’s remove-

Arr.  Gods! how the leaves drop off, this little wind!

“We therefore desire, that the offices he holds be first seized by the senate, and himself suspended from all exercise of place or power—­”

Sen.  How!

San. [thrusting by.] By your leave.

   Come, porpoise; where’s Haterius? 
   His gout keeps him most miserably constant;
   Your dancing shews a tempest.

Sej.  Read no more.

Reg.  Lords of the senate, hold your seats:  read on.

Sej.  These letters they are forged.

Reg.  A guard! sit still. 
                                   Enter Laco, with the Guards. 
Arr.  Here’s change!

Reg.  Bid silence, and read forward.

Prae.  Silence!—–­

“and himself suspended from all exercise of place or power, but till due and mature trial be made of his innocency, which yet we can faintly apprehend the necessity to doubt.  If, conscript fathers, to your more searching wisdoms, there shall appear farther cause—–­or of farther proceeding, either to seizure of lands, goods, or more—–­it is not our power that shall limit your authority, or our favour that must corrupt your justice:  either were dishonourable in you, and both uncharitable to ourself.  We would willingly be present with your counsels in this business, but the danger of so potent a faction, if it should prove so, forbids our attempting it:  except one of the consuls would be entreated for our safety, to undertake the guard of us home; then we should most readily adventure.  In the mean time, it shall not be fit for us to importune so judicious a senate, who know how much they hurt the innocent, that spare the guilty; and how grateful a sacrifice to the gods is the life of an ingrateful person, We reflect not, in this, on Sejanus, (notwithstanding, if you keep an eye upon him-and there is Latiaris, a senator, and Pinnarius Natta, two of his most trusted ministers, and so professed, whom we desire not to have apprehended,) but as the necessity of the cause exacts it.”

Reg.  A guard on Latiaris!

   O, the spy,
   The reverend spy is caught! who pities him? 
   Reward, sir, for your service:  now, you have done
   Your property, you see what use is made!
                              [Exeunt Latiaris and Natta, guarded. 
   Hang up the instrument.

Sej.  Give leave.

   Stand, stand! 
   He comes upon his ’death, that doth advance
   An inch toward my point.

Sej.  Have we no friends here?

   Where now are all the hails and acclamations? 
                                                    Enter macro
Mac.  Hail to the consuls, and this noble senate!

   Is Macro here? 
      O, thou art lost, Sejanus! [Aside.

Project Gutenberg
Sejanus: His Fall from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.