Sejanus: His Fall eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 220 pages of information about Sejanus.

Sejanus: His Fall eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 220 pages of information about Sejanus.

Lat.  See, how Arruntius sits, and Lepidus!

Tri.  Let them alone, they will be mark’d anon.

1 Sen.  I’ll do with others.

2 Sen.  So will I.

3 Sen. 
   And I.
   Men grow not in the state, but as they are planted
   Warm in his favours.

Col.  Noble Sejanus!

Hat.  Honour’d Sejanus!

Lat.  Worthy and great Sejanus!

   Gods! how the sponges open and take in,
   And shut again! look, look! is not he blest
   That gets a seat in eye-reach of him? more,
   That comes in ear, or tongue-reach?  O but most,
   Can claw his subtle elbow, or with a buz
   Fly-blow his ears?

Praet.  Proclaim the senate’s peace,
   And give last summons by the edict.

   In name of Caesar, and the senate, silence! 
Memmius Regulus, and Fulcinius Trio, consuls, these present kalends of June, with the first light, shall hold a senate, in the temple of Apollo Palatine:  all that are fathers, and are registered fathers that have right of entering the senate, we warn or command you be frequently present, take knowledge the business is the commonwealth’s:  whosoever is absent, his fine or mulct will be taken, his excuse will not be taken.

Tri.  Note who are absent, and record their names.

   Fathers conscript, may what I am to utter
   Turn good and happy for the commonwealth! 
   And thou, Apollo, in whose holy house
   We here have met, inspire us all with truth,
   And liberty of censure to our thought! 
   The majesty of great Tiberius Caesar
   Propounds to this grave senate, the bestowing
   Upon the man he loves, honour’d Sejanus,
   The tribunitial dignity and power: 
   Here are his letters, signed with his signet. 
   What pleaseth now the fathers to be done?

Sen.  Read, read them, open, publicly read them.

   Caesar hath honour’d his own greatness much
   In thinking of this act.

   It was a thought
   Happy, and worthy Caesar.

   And the lord
   As worthy it, on whom it is directed!

Hat.  Most worthy!

   Rome did never boast the virtue
   That could give envy bounds, but his:  Sejanus—–­

1 Sen.  Honour’d and noble!

2 Sen.  Good and great Sejanus!

Arr.  O, most tame slavery, and fierce flattery!

Prae.  Silence!

Tiberius Caesar to the Senate, greeting.

Project Gutenberg
Sejanus: His Fall from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.