Nowt-head, blockhead.
Number, rhythm.
NUPSON, oaf, simpleton.
OADE, woad.
OBARNI, preparation of mead.
Object, oppose; expose; interpose.
OBLATRANT, barking, railing.
Obnoxious, liable, exposed; offensive.
Observance, homage, devoted service.
Observant, attentive, obsequious.
Observe, show deference, respect.
Observer, one who shows deference, or waits upon another.
OBSTANCY, legal phrase, “juridical opposition.”
Obstreperous, clamorous, vociferous.
OBSTUPEFACT, stupefied.
ODLING, (?) “must have some relation to tricking and cheating” (Nares).
Ominous, deadly, fatal.
Once, at once; for good and all; used also for additional emphasis.
Only, pre-eminent, special.
Open, make public; expound.
OPPILATION, obstruction.
OPPONE, oppose.
Opposite, antagonist.
Oppress, suppress.
ORIGINOUS, native.
Ort, remnant, scrap.
Out, “to be—,” to have
forgotten one’s part;
not at one with each other.
Outcry, sale by auction.
OUTRECUIDANCE, arrogance, presumption.
Outspeak, speak more than.
OVERPARTED, given too difficult a part to play.
OWLSPIEGEL. See Howleglass.
Oyez! (O yes!), hear ye! call of the public
when about to make a proclamation.
Packing Penny, “give a—,” dismiss, send packing.
Pad, highway.
Pad-horse, road-horse.
Pained (PANED) slops, full breeches made
of strips
of different colour and material.
Painful, diligent, painstaking.
Paint, blush.
Palinode, ode of recantation.
Pall, weaken, dim, make stale.
Palm, triumph.
Pan, skirt of dress or coat.
PANNEL, pad, or rough kind of saddle.
Pannier-Ally, inhabited by tripe-sellers.
Pannier-man, hawker; a man employed about the inns of court to bring in provisions, set the table, etc.
PANTOFLE, indoor shoe, slipper.
PARAMENTOS, fine trappings.
Paranomasie, a play upon words.
PARANTORY, (?) peremptory.
Parcel, particle, fragment (used contemptuously); article.
Parcel, part, partly.
Parcel-poet, poetaster.
PARERGA, subordinate matters.
Parget, to paint or plaster the face.
Parle, parley.
Parlous, clever, shrewd.