The Golden Lion of Granpere eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 267 pages of information about The Golden Lion of Granpere.

The Golden Lion of Granpere eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 267 pages of information about The Golden Lion of Granpere.
to Granpere, and the house certainly was not felt to be too small because she was there.  Marie soon learned the ways and wishes of her burly, soft-hearted uncle; would fill his pipe for him, and hand him his soup, and bring his slippers, and put her soft arm round his neck, and became a favourite.  She was only a child when she came, and Michel thought it was very pleasant; but in five years’ time she was a woman, and Michel was forced to reflect that it would not be well that there should be another marriage and another family in the house while he was so young himself,—­there was at this time a third baby in the cradle,—­and then Marie Bromar had not a franc of dot.  Marie was the sweetest eldest daughter in the world, but he could not think it right that his son should marry a wife before he had done a stroke for himself in the world.  Prudence made it absolutely necessary that he should say a word to his son.

Madame Voss was certainly nearly twenty years younger than her husband, and yet the pair did not look to be ill-sorted.  Michel was so handsome, strong, and hale; and Madame Voss, though she was a comely woman,—­though when she was brought home a bride to Granpere the neighbours had all declared that she was very handsome,—­carried with her a look of more years than she really possessed.  She had borne many of a woman’s cares, and had known much of woman’s sorrows before she had become wife to Michel Voss; and then when the babes came, and she had settled down as mistress of that large household, and taught herself to regard George Voss and Marie Bromar almost as her own children, all idea that she was much younger than her husband departed from her.  She was a woman who desired to excel her husband in nothing,—­if only she might be considered to be in some things his equal.  There was no feeling in the village that Michel Voss had brought home a young wife and had made a fool of himself.  He was a man entitled to have a wife much younger than himself.  Madame Voss in those days always wore a white cap and a dark stuff gown, which was changed on Sundays for one of black silk, and brown mittens on her hands, and she went about the house in soft carpet shoes.  She was a conscientious, useful, but not an enterprising woman; loving her husband much and fearing him somewhat; liking to have her own way in certain small matters, but willing to be led in other things so long as those were surrendered to her; careful with her children, the care of whom seemed to deprive her of the power of caring for the business of the inn; kind to her niece, good-humoured in her house, and satisfied with the world at large as long as she might always be allowed to entertain M. le Cure at dinner on Sundays.  Michel Voss, Protestant though he was, had not the slightest objection to giving M. le Cure his Sunday dinner, on condition that M. le Cure on these occasions would confine his conversation to open subjects.  M. le Cure was quite willing to eat his dinner and give no offence.

Project Gutenberg
The Golden Lion of Granpere from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.