Kalevala : the Epic Poem of Finland — Volume 01 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 285 pages of information about Kalevala .

Kalevala : the Epic Poem of Finland — Volume 01 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 285 pages of information about Kalevala .
a daughter of Tuoni. 
Tu-o’ni.  The god of death. 
Tu’ri (Tuuri).  The god of the Honey-land. 
Turja (tur’ya).  Another name for Pohya. 
Tur’ya-lan’der.  An epithet for one of the tribe of Louhi. 
Tur’ya (Tyrja).  A name for the waterfall of Rutya. 
Uk’ko.  The Great Spirit of Finnish mythology; his abode is in Jumala. 
Uk’on-koi’va (Ukko’s dog).  The messenger of Ukko; the butterfly. 
U’lap-pa’la.  Another term for the abode of Tuoni. 
Un’du-tar.  Goddess of the fog. 
U’ni.  The god of sleep. 
Un’ta-ma’la.  A synonym for “the dismal Sariola.” 
Un-ta’mo.  The god of dreams; the dreamer; a brother of Kalervo, and
his enemy. 
Un’tar.  The same as Undutar. 
Un’to.  The same as Untamo. 
Utu-tyt’to.  The same as Undutar. 
Wai’nam-oi’nen (Vainamoinen).  The chief hero of the Kalevala; the
hero of Wainola, whose mother, Ilmatar, fell from the air into the
Wai’no (Vai’no).  The same as Wainamoinen. 
Wai-no’la.  The home of Wainamoinen and his people; a synonym of
Wel-la’mo.  The hostess of the waters. 
Wet’e-hi’nen.  An evil god of the sea. 
Wi-pu’nen (Vipu’nen).  An old song-giant that swallowed Wainamoinen
searching for the “lost words.” 
Wi’ro-kan’nas (Virokan’nas).  Ruler of the wilderness; the slayer of
the huge bull of Suomi; the priest that baptizes the son of Mariatta. 
Wo’ya-lan’der (Vuojalan’der).  An epithet for Laplander. 
Wuok’sen (Vuo’ksen).  A river in the east of Finland. 
Wuok’si.  The same as Wuoksen.


Project Gutenberg
Kalevala : the Epic Poem of Finland — Volume 01 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.