Allan and the Holy Flower eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 436 pages of information about Allan and the Holy Flower.

Allan and the Holy Flower eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 436 pages of information about Allan and the Holy Flower.

For the most part these consisted of a man and one or more wives, finely formed and handsome women.  Sometimes they had children with them, but these were very few; the most I saw with any one family was three, and many seemed to possess none at all.  Both the women and the children, like the men, were decently clothed in long, white garments, another peculiarity which showed that these natives were no ordinary African savages.

Oh!  I can see Rica Town now after all these many years:  the wide street swept and garnished, the brown-roofed, white-walled huts in their fertile, irrigated gardens, the tall, silent folk, the smoke from the cooking fires rising straight as a line in the still air, the graceful palms and other tropical trees, and at the head of the street, far away to the north, the rounded, towering shape of the forest-clad mountain that was called House of the Gods.  Often that vision comes back to me in my sleep, or at times in my waking hours when some heavy odour reminds me of the overpowering scent of the great trumpet-like blooms which hung in profusion upon broad-leaved bushes that were planted in almost every garden.

On we marched till at last we reached a tall, live fence that was covered with brilliant scarlet flowers, arriving at its gate just as the last red glow of day faded from the sky and night began to fall.  Komba pushed open the gate, revealing a scene that none of us are likely to forget.  The fence enclosed about an acre of ground of which the back part was occupied by two large huts standing in the usual gardens.

In front of these, not more than fifteen paces from the gate, stood another building of a totally different character.  It was about fifty feet in length by thirty broad and consisted only of a roof supported upon carved pillars of wood, the spaces between the pillars being filled with grass mats or blinds.  Most of these blinds were pulled down, but four exactly opposite the gate were open.  Inside the shed forty or fifty men, who wore white robes and peculiar caps and who were engaged in chanting a dreadful, melancholy song, were gathered on three sides of a huge fire that burned in a pit in the ground.  On the fourth side, that facing the gate, a man stood alone with his arms outstretched and his back towards us.

Of a sudden he heard our footsteps and turned round, springing to the left, so that the light might fall on us.  Now we saw by the glow of the great fire, that over it was an iron grid not unlike a small bedstead, and that on this grid lay some fearful object.  Stephen, who was a little ahead, stared, then exclaimed in a horrified voice: 

“My God! it is a woman!”

In another second the blinds fell down, hiding everything, and the singing ceased.



Project Gutenberg
Allan and the Holy Flower from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.