The Poetaster eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 208 pages of information about The Poetaster.

The Poetaster eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 208 pages of information about The Poetaster.

MISCELLINE, mixed grain; medley.

Misconceit, misconception.

Misprise, misprision, mistake, misunderstanding.

Mistake away, carry away as if by mistake.

Mithridate, an antidote against poison.

MOCCINIGO, small Venetian coin, worth about ninepence.

Modern, in the mode; ordinary, commonplace.

Moment, force or influence of value.

MONTANTO, upward stroke.

Month’s mind, violent desire.

Moorish, like a moor or waste.

MORGLAY, sword of Bevis of Southampton.

Morrice-dance, dance on May Day, etc., in which
certain personages were represented.

Mortality, death.

Mort-mal, old sore, gangrene.

MOSCADINO, confection flavoured with musk.

Mother, Hysterica passio.

Motion, proposal, request; puppet, puppet-show; “one of the small figures on the face of a large clock which was moved by the vibration of the pendulum” (Whalley).

Motion, suggest, propose.

Motley, parti-coloured dress of a fool; hence
used to signify pertaining to, or like, a fool.

Motte, motto.

MOURNIVAL, set of four aces or court cards in a hand;
a quartette.

Mow, setord hay or sheaves of grain.

Much! expressive of irony and incredulity.

MUCKINDER, handkerchief.

Mule, “born to ride on—­,” judges or serjeants-at-law formerly rode on mules when going in state to Westminster (Whally).

Mullets, small pincers.

Mum-chance, game of chance, played in silence.

Mun, must.

MUREY, dark crimson red.

Muscovy-glass, mica.

Muse, wonder.

Musical, in harmony.

Muss, mouse; scramble.

MYROBOLANE, foreign conserve, “a dried plum, brought
from the Indies.”

Mystery, art, trade, profession.

Nail, “to the—­” (ad unguem), to perfection, to the
very utmost.

Native, natural.

Neat, cattle.

Neat, smartly apparelled; unmixed; dainty.

Neatly, neatly finished.

Neatness, elegance.

Neis, nose, scent.

NEUF (NEAF, NEIF), fist.

NEUFT, newt.

NIAISE, foolish, inexperienced person.

Nice, fastidious, trivial, finical, scrupulous.

Niceness, fastidiousness.

Nick, exact amount; right moment; “set in the—­,”
meaning uncertain.

Nice, suit, fit; hit, seize the right moment, etc.,
exactly hit on, hit off.

Noble, gold coin worth 6s. 8d.

Project Gutenberg
The Poetaster from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.