Beechcroft at Rockstone eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Beechcroft at Rockstone.

Beechcroft at Rockstone eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Beechcroft at Rockstone.

Good Miss Hacket at that moment came in to sit with her, and send the daughter out for some air; and it was well that Gillian had had some practice in telling her story not too disconsolately, for it was received with all the delight that the mere notion of a marriage seems to inspire, though Phyllis and Alethea had scarcely been seen at Silverfold before they had gone to India with their father.

Miss Hacket had to be content with the names before she hastened up to the patient; but Miss Vincent walked back through the paddock with Gillian, talking over what was more personally interesting to the governess, the success of her own pupils, scattered as they were, and comparing notes upon Mysie’s letters.  One of these Miss Vincent had just received by the second post, having been written to announce the great news, and it continued in true Mysie fashion:—–­

’Cousin Rotherwood knows all about them, and says they will have a famous set of belongings.  He will take me to see some of them if we go to London before mamma comes home.  Bernard Underwood’s sister is married to Mr. Grinstead, the sculptor who did the statue of Mercy at the Gate that Harry gave a photograph of to mamma, and she paints pictures herself.  I want to see them; but I do not know whether we shall stay in London, for they do not think it agrees with Fly.  I do more lessons than she does now, and I have read through all Autour de mon Jardin.  I have a letter from Dolores too, and she thinks that Aunt Phyllis and all are coming home to make a visit in England for Uncle Harry to see his father, and she wishes very much that they would bring her; but it is not to be talked about for fear they should be hindered, and old Dr. May hear of it and be disappointed; but you won’t see any one to tell.’

‘There, what have I done?’ exclaimed Miss Vincent in dismay.  ’But I had only just got the letter, and had barely glanced through it.’

‘Besides, who would have thought of Mysie having any secrets?’ said Gillian.

’After all, I suppose no harm is done; for you can’t have any other connection with these Mays.’

’Oh yes, there will be; for I believe a brother of this man of Phyllis’s married one of the Miss Mays, and I suppose we shall have to get mixed up with the whole lot.  How I do hate strangers!  But I’ll take care, Miss Vincent, indeed I will.  One is not bound to tell one’s aunts everything like one’s mother.’

‘No,’ said Miss Vincent decidedly, ’especially when it is another person’s secret betrayed through inadvertence.’  Perhaps she thought Gillian looked dangerously gratified, for she added:  ’However, you know poor Dolores did not find secrecy answer.’

‘Oh, there are secrets and secrets, and aunts and aunts!’ said Gillian.  ‘Dolores had no mother.’

‘It makes a difference,’ said Miss Vincent.  ’I should never ask you to conceal anything from Lady Merrifield.  Besides, this is not a matter of conduct, only a report.’

Project Gutenberg
Beechcroft at Rockstone from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.