Beechcroft at Rockstone eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Beechcroft at Rockstone.

Beechcroft at Rockstone eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Beechcroft at Rockstone.

’They must get that poor girl to bed as soon as it is possible to undress her,’ he said.  ’I have seen that she must break down sooner or later, and I’m afraid she is in for a serious illness; but as yet there is no knowing.’

Nursing was not among Jane’s accomplishments, except of her sister Ada’s chronic, though not severe ailments; but she fetched Mrs. Halfpenny as the most effective person within reach, trusting to that good woman’s Scotch height, strong arms, great decision, and the tenderness which real illness always elicited.

Nor was she wrong.  Not only did Mrs. Halfpenny get the half-unconscious girl into bed, but she stayed till evening, and then came back to snatch a meal and say—–­

’My leddy, if you have no objection, I will sit up with that puir lassie the night.  They are all men-folk or bairns there, except the lodger-lady, who is worn out with helping the mother, and they want some one with a head on her shoulders.’

Lady Merrifield consented with all her heart; but the Sunday morning’s report was no better, when Mrs. Halfpenny came home to dress Primrose, and see her lady.

’That eldest brother, set him up, the idle loon, was off by the mail train that night, and naething wad serve him but to come in and bid good-bye to his sister just as I had gotten her off into something more like a sleep.  It startled her up, and she went off her head again, poor dearie, and began to talk about prison and disgrace, and what not, till she fainted again; and when she came to, I was fain to call the other lad to pacify her, for I could see the trouble in her puir een, though she could scarce win breath to speak.’

‘Is Alexis there?’

’Surely he is, my leddy; he’s no the lad to leave his sister in sic a strait.  It was all I could do to gar him lie down when she dozed off again, but there’s sair stress setting in for all of them, puir things.  I have sent the little laddie off to beg the doctor to look in as soon as he can, for I am much mistaken if there be not fever coming on.’

‘Indeed!  And what can those poor children do?’

’That’s what I’m thinking, my leddy.  And since ’tis your pleasure that the nursery be done awa’ wi’, and I have not ta’en any fresh work, I should like weel to see the puir lassie through wi’ it.  Ye’ll no mind that Captain White and my puir Halfpenny listed the same time, and always forgathered as became douce lads.  The twa of them got their stripes thegither, and when Halfpenny got his sunstroke in that weary march, ’twas White who gave him his last sup of water, and brought me his bit Bible.  So I’d be fain to tend his daughter in her sickness, if you could spare me, my leddy, and I’d aye rin home to dress Missie Primrose and pit her to bed, and see to matters here.’

‘There’s no better nurse in the world, dear old Halfpenny,’ said Lady Merrifield, with tears in her eyes.  ’I do feel most thankful to you for proposing it.  Never mind about Primrose, only you must have your meals and a good rest here, and not knock yourself up.’

Project Gutenberg
Beechcroft at Rockstone from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.