Beechcroft at Rockstone eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Beechcroft at Rockstone.

Beechcroft at Rockstone eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Beechcroft at Rockstone.

‘Indeed, I hope to do what I can for them.’

’They are good children, Sir Jasper, all of them, even the poor boy that is in trouble out of the very warmth of his heart; but ’tis Richard who would be the credit to you, if you would lend him the helping hand.  Where is the boy, Kally?’

‘He is gone to call on Mr. White.’

‘Ah! and you’ll say a good word for him with his cousin,’ she pleaded, ’and say how ’tis no discredit to him if things are laid on his poor brother that he never did.’

The poor woman was evidently more anxious to bespeak patronage for her first-born, the pride and darling of her heart, than for those who might be thought to need it more, but she became confused and agitated when she thought of Alexis, declaring that the poor boy might have been hasty, and have disgraced himself, but it was hard, very hard, if they swore away his liberty, and she never saw him more, and she broke into distressing sobs.  Sir Jasper, in a decided voice, assured her that he expected with confidence that her son would be freed the next day, and able to come to see her.

’It’s the blessing of a dying mother will be on you, Colonel dear!  Oh! bring him back, that his mother’s eyes may rest on the boy that has always been dutiful.  No—–­no, Dick, I tell you ’tis no disgrace to wear the coat his father wore.’  Wandering was beginning, and she was in no condition for Kalliope to leave her.  The communicative Maura, who went downstairs with him, said that Richard was so angry about Alexis that it had upset poor mamma sadly.  And could Alexis come?’ she asked, ‘even when he is cleared?’

‘I will ask for furlough for him.’

’Oh! thank you—–­that would do mamma more good than anything.  She is so fond of Richard, he is her favourite, but Alexis is the real help and comfort.’

’I can quite believe so.  And now will you tell me where I shall find your brother who took the letter, Peter or Petros?’

’Petros is his name, but the boys call him Peter.  He is at school—–­ the Bellevue National School—–­up that street.’

Repairing to that imposing building, Sir Jasper knocked at the door, and sent in his card by an astonished pupil-teacher with a request to the master that he might speak to Petros White, waiting in the porch till a handsome little fellow appeared, stouter, rosier, and more English looking than the others of his family, but very dusty, and rather scared.

‘You don’t remember me,’ said Sir Jasper, ’but I was your father’s colonel, and I want to find some way of helping your brother.  Your sister tells me she gave you a letter to carry to Mr. Stebbing.’

‘Yes, sir.’

‘Where did you take it?’

‘To his house, Carrara.’

‘Was it not directed to the Marble Works?’

‘Yes, but—–­’

‘But what?  Speak out, my man.’

’At the gate Blake, the porter, was very savage, and would not let us in.  He said he would have no boys loafing about, we had done harm enough for one while, and he would set his dog at us.’

Project Gutenberg
Beechcroft at Rockstone from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.