Beechcroft at Rockstone eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Beechcroft at Rockstone.

Beechcroft at Rockstone eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Beechcroft at Rockstone.

‘What a good thing!’ thought both sisters, looking into each other’s eyes and auguring well for the future.

All were anxious to hear the result of Maura’s walk, and Gillian set out in the morning on a voyage of discovery with a glass of jelly for Mrs. White; but all she could learn was that the great man had been very kind to Maura, though he had not come in, at which Gillian was indignant.

‘Men are often shy of going near sickness and sorrow,’ said her aunt Ada.  ‘You did not hear what they talked about?’

‘No; Maura was at school, and Kally is a bad person to pump.’

‘I should like to pump Mr. White,’ was Aunt Jane’s comment.

‘If I could meet him again,’ said Aunt Ada, ’I feel sure he would tell me.’

Her sister laughed a little, so well did she know that little half-conscious, half-gratified tone of assumption of power over the other sex; but Miss Adeline proved to be right.  Nay, Mr. White actually called in the raw cold afternoon, which kept her in when every one else was out.  He came for the sake of telling her that he was much pleased with the little girl—–­a pretty creature, and simple and true, he really believed.  Quite artlessly, in answer to his inquiries, she had betrayed that her eldest brother never helped them.  ’Oh no!  Mamma was always getting all the money she could to send to him, because he must keep up appearances at his office at Leeds, and live like a gentleman, and it did not signify about Kalliope and Alexis doing common work.’

‘That’s one matter cleared up,’ rejoiced Jane.  ’It won’t be brought up against them now.’

‘And then it seems he asked the child about her sister’s lovers.’


‘It was for a purpose.  Don’t be old maidish, Jenny!’

‘Well, he isn’t a gentleman.’

‘Now, Jane, I’m sure—–­’

’Never mind.  I want to hear; only I should have thought you would have been the first to cry out.’

’Little Maura seems to have risen to the occasion, and made a full explanation as far as she knew—–­and that was more than the child ought to have known, by the bye—–­of how Mr. Frank was always after Kally, and how she could not bear him, and gave up the Sunday walk to avoid him, and how he had tried to get her to marry him, and go to Italy with him; but she would not hear of it.’

’Just the thing the little chatterbox would be proud of, but it is no harm that “Mon oncle des iles Philippines” should know.’

‘"I see his little game” was what Mr. White said,’ repeated Adeline.  ’"The young dog expected to come over me with this pretty young wife-—­my relation, too; but he would have found himself out in his reckoning."’

‘So far so good; but it is not fair.’

’However, the ice is broken.  What’s that?  Is the house coming down?’

No; but Gillian and Valetta came rushing in, almost tumbling over one another, and each waving a sheet of a letter.  Papa and mamma would land in three days’ time if all went well; but the pity was that they must go to London before coming to Rockquay, since Sir Jasper must present himself to the military and medical authorities, and likewise see his mother, who was in a very failing state.

Project Gutenberg
Beechcroft at Rockstone from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.