Little Women eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 698 pages of information about Little Women.
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Little Women eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 698 pages of information about Little Women.

“Never,” she answered, with a despondent but decided air.  “Rome took all the vanity out of me, for after seeing the wonders there, I felt too insignificant to live and gave up all my foolish hopes in despair.”

“Why should you, with so much energy and talent?”

“That’s just why, because talent isn’t genius, and no amount of energy can make it so.  I want to be great, or nothing.  I won’t be a common-place dauber, so I don’t intend to try any more.”

“And what are you going to do with yourself now, if I may ask?”

“Polish up my other talents, and be an ornament to society, if I get the chance.”

It was a characteristic speech, and sounded daring, but audacity becomes young people, and Amy’s ambition had a good foundation.  Laurie smiled, but he liked the spirit with which she took up a new purpose when a long-cherished one died, and spent no time lamenting.

“Good!  And here is where Fred Vaughn comes in, I fancy.”

Amy preserved a discreet silence, but there was a conscious look in her downcast face that made Laurie sit up and say gravely, “Now I’m going to play brother, and ask questions.  May I?”

“I don’t promise to answer.”

“Your face will, if your tongue won’t.  You aren’t woman of the world enough yet to hide your feelings, my dear.  I heard rumors about Fred and you last year, and it’s my private opinion that if he had not been called home so suddenly and detained so long, something would have come of it, hey?”

“That’s not for me to say,” was Amy’s grim reply, but her lips would smile, and there was a traitorous sparkle of the eye which betrayed that she knew her power and enjoyed the knowledge.

“You are not engaged, I hope?” and Laurie looked very elder-brotherly and grave all of a sudden.


“But you will be, if he comes back and goes properly down on his knees, won’t you?”

“Very likely.”

“Then you are fond of old Fred?”

“I could be, if I tried.”

“But you don’t intend to try till the proper moment?  Bless my soul, what unearthly prudence!  He’s a good fellow, Amy, but not the man I fancied you’d like.”

“He is rich, a gentleman, and has delightful manners,” began Amy, trying to be quite cool and dignified, but feeling a little ashamed of herself, in spite of the sincerity of her intentions.

“I understand.  Queens of society can’t get on without money, so you mean to make a good match, and start in that way?  Quite right and proper, as the world goes, but it sounds odd from the lips of one of your mother’s girls.”

“True, nevertheless.”

A short speech, but the quiet decision with which it was uttered contrasted curiously with the young speaker.  Laurie felt this instinctively and laid himself down again, with a sense of disappointment which he could not explain.  His look and silence, as well as a certain inward self-disapproval, ruffled Amy, and made her resolve to deliver her lecture without delay.

Project Gutenberg
Little Women from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.