Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume 1 eBook

Thomas Stevens (cyclist)
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 677 pages of information about Around the World on a Bicycle.

Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume 1 eBook

Thomas Stevens (cyclist)
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 677 pages of information about Around the World on a Bicycle.
precision of the twists of body and bobbing and jerking of head begins to lose something of its regularity, the six “encouragers,” ranged on sheep-skins before the line of howling men, like non-commissioned officers before a squad of new recruits, increase their encouraging cries of “Allah.  Allah akbar” as though fearful that the din might subside, on account of the several already exhausted organs of articulation, unless they chimed in more lustily and helped to swell the volume.

Little children now come trooping in, seeking with eager anticipation the happy privilege of being ranged along the floor like sardines in a tin box, and having the priest walk along their bodies, stepping from one to the other along the row, and returning the same way, while two assistants steady him by holding his hands.  In the case of the smaller children, the priest considerately steps on their thighs, to avoid throwing their internal apparatus out of gear; but if the recipient of his holy attentions is, in his estimation, strong enough to run the risk, he steps square on their backs, The little things jump up as sprightly as may be, kiss the priest’s hand fervently, and go trooping out of the door, apparently well pleased with the novel performance.  Finally human nature can endure it no longer, and the performance terminates in a long, despairing wail of “Allah.  Allah.  Allah!” The exhausted devotees, soaked wet with perspiration, step forward, and receive what I take to be rather an inadequate reward for what they have been subjecting themselves to — viz., the privilege of kissing the priest’s already much-kissed hand, and at 5.45 P.M. the performance is over.  I take my departure in time to catch the six o’clock boat for Galata, well satisfied with the finest show I ever saw for a cherik.  I have already made mention of there being many beautiful sea-side places to which Constantinopolitans resort on Sundays and holidays, and among them all there is no lovelier spot than the island of Prinkipo, one of the Prince’s Islands group, situated some twelve miles from Constantinople, down the Gulf of Ismidt.  Shelton Bey (Colonel Shelton), an English gentleman, who superintends the Sultan’s cannon-foundry at Tophana, and the well-known author of Shelton’s " Mechanic’s Guide,” owns the finest steam-yacht on the Bosphorus, and three Sundays out of the five I remain here, this gentleman and his excellent lady kindly invite me to visit Prinkipo with them for the day.

On the way over we usually race with the regular passenger steamer, and as the Bey’s yacht is no plaything for size and speed, we generally manage to keep close enough to amuse ourselves with the comments on the beauty and speed of our little craft from the crowded deck of the other boat.  Sometimes a very distinguished person or two is aboard the yacht with our little company, personages known to the Bey, who having arrived on the passenger-boat, accept invitations for a cruise

Project Gutenberg
Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.