Discoveries Made Upon Men and Matter and Some Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 133 pages of information about Discoveries Made Upon Men and Matter and Some Poems.

Discoveries Made Upon Men and Matter and Some Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 133 pages of information about Discoveries Made Upon Men and Matter and Some Poems.
it; {33d} and to draw buyers proclaimed the virtues of it.  Nothing ever thrived on it, saith he.  No owner of it ever died in his bed; some hung, some drowned themselves; some were banished, some starved; the trees were all blasted; the swine died of the measles, the cattle of the murrain, the sheep of the rot; they that stood were ragged, bare, and bald as your hand; nothing was ever reared there, not a duckling, or a goose.  Hospitium fuerat calamitatis. {34a} Was not this man like to sell it?

Vulgi expectatio.—­Expectation of the vulgar is more drawn and held with newness than goodness; we see it in fencers, in players, in poets, in preachers, in all where fame promiseth anything; so it be new, though never so naught and depraved, they run to it, and are taken.  Which shews, that the only decay or hurt of the best men’s reputation with the people is, their wits have out-lived the people’s palates.  They have been too much or too long a feast.

Claritas patriae.—­Greatness of name in the father oft-times helps not forth, but overwhelms the son; they stand too near one another.  The shadow kills the growth:  so much, that we see the grandchild come more and oftener to be heir of the first, than doth the second:  he dies between; the possession is the third’s.

Eloquentia.—­Eloquence is a great and diverse thing:  nor did she yet ever favour any man so much as to become wholly his.  He is happy that can arrive to any degree of her grace.  Yet there are who prove themselves masters of her, and absolute lords; but I believe they may mistake their evidence:  for it is one thing to be eloquent in the schools, or in the hall; another at the bar, or in the pulpit.  There is a difference between mooting and pleading; between fencing and fighting.  To make arguments in my study, and confute them, is easy; where I answer myself, not an adversary.  So I can see whole volumes dispatched by the umbratical doctors on all sides:  but draw these forth into the just lists:  let them appear sub dio, and they are changed with the place, like bodies bred in the shade; they cannot suffer the sun or a shower, nor bear the open air; they scarce can find themselves, that they were wont to domineer so among their auditors:  but indeed I would no more choose a rhetorician for reigning in a school, than I would a pilot for rowing in a pond.

Amor et odium.—­Love that is ignorant, and hatred, have almost the same ends:  many foolish lovers wish the same to their friends, which their enemies would:  as to wish a friend banished, that they might accompany him in exile; or some great want, that they might relieve him; or a disease, that they might sit by him.  They make a causeway to their country by injury, as if it were not honester to do nothing than to seek a way to do good by a mischief.

Injuria.—­Injuries do not extinguish courtesies:  they only suffer them not to appear fair.  For a man that doth me an injury after a courtesy, takes not away that courtesy, but defaces it:  as he that writes other verses upon my verses, takes not away the first letters, but hides them.

Project Gutenberg
Discoveries Made Upon Men and Matter and Some Poems from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.