The American Senator eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 785 pages of information about The American Senator.

The American Senator eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 785 pages of information about The American Senator.

Of course there was very much perturbation of spirit.  Mrs. Hopkins, after that first letter, the contents of which she had communicated to Reginald Morton, had received various despatches and been asked various questions.  Could she find a cook?  Could she find two housemaids?  And all these were only wanted for a time.  In her distress she went to Mrs. Runciman, and did get assistance.  “I suppose he thinks he’s to have the cook out of my kitchen?” Runciman had said.  Somebody, however, was found who said she could cook, and two girls who professed that they knew how to make beds.  And in this way an establishment was ready before the arrival of the Secretary of Legation and the great American Senator.  Those other. questions of wine and plate and vegetables had, no doubt, settled themselves after some fashion.

John Morton had come over to England on leave of absence for four months, and had brought with him the Senator from Mickewa.  The Senator had never been in England before, and was especially anxious to study the British Constitution and to see the ways of Britons with his own eyes.  He had only been a fortnight in London before this journey down to the county had been planned.  Mr. Gotobed wished to see English country life and thought that he could not on his first arrival have a better opportunity.  It must be explained also that there was another motive, for this English rural sojourn.  Lady Augustus Trefoil, who was an adventurous lady, had been travelling in the United States with her daughter, and had there fallen in with Mr. John Morton.  Arabella Trefoil was a beauty, and a woman of fashion, and had captivated the Paragon.  An engagement had been made, subject to various stipulations; the consent of Lord Augustus in the first place,—­as to which John Morton who only understood foreign affairs was not aware, as he would have been had he lived in England, that Lord Augustus was nobody.  Lady Augustus had spoken freely as to settlements, value of property, life insurance and such matters; and had spoken firmly, as well as freely, expressing doubt as to the expediency of such an engagement;—­all of which had surprised Mr. Morton considerably, for the young lady had at first been left in his hands with almost American freedom.  And now Lady Augustus and her daughter were coming down on a visit of inspection.  They had been told, as had the Senator, that things would be in the rough.  The house had not been properly inhabited for nearly a quarter of a century.  The Senator had expressed himself quite contented.  Lady Augustus had only hoped that everything would be made as comfortable as possible for her daughter.  I don’t know what more could have been done at so short a notice than to order two carriages, two housemaids, and a cook.

Project Gutenberg
The American Senator from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.