Citation and Examination of William Shakspeare, Euseby Treen, Joseph Carnaby, and Silas Gough, Clerk eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 149 pages of information about Citation and Examination of William Shakspeare, Euseby Treen, Joseph Carnaby, and Silas Gough, Clerk.

Citation and Examination of William Shakspeare, Euseby Treen, Joseph Carnaby, and Silas Gough, Clerk eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 149 pages of information about Citation and Examination of William Shakspeare, Euseby Treen, Joseph Carnaby, and Silas Gough, Clerk.

I memorize thus much, not out of any malice or any soreness about me, but that those of my kindred into whose hands it please God these papers do fall hereafter, may bear up stoutly in such straits; and if they be good at the cudgel, that they, looking first at their man, do give it him heartily and unsparingly, keeping within law.

Sir Thomas, having overlooked what we had written, and meditated a while thereupon, said unto Joseph, —

“It appeareth by thy testimony that there was a huge and desperate gang of them afoot.  Revengeful dogs! it is difficult to deal with them.  The laws forbid precipitancy and violence.  A dozen or two may return and harm me; not me, indeed, but my tenants and servants.  I would fain act with prudence, and like unto him who looketh abroad.  He must tie his shoe tightly who passeth through mire; he must step softly who steppeth over stones; he must walk in the fear of the Lord (which, without a brag, I do at this present feel upon me), who hopeth to reach the end of the straightest road in safety.”

Sir Silas.

“Tut, tut! your worship!  Her Majesty’s deputy hath matchlocks and halters at a knight’s disposal, or the world were topsyturvy indeed.”

Sir Thomas.

“My mental ejaculations, and an influx of grace thereupon, have shaken and washed from my brain all thy last words, good Joseph!  Thy companion here, Euseby Treen, said unto thee—­ay—­”

Joseph Carnaby.

“Said unto me, ’What a number of names and voices!  And there be but three living men in all!  And look again!  Christ deliver us! all the shadows save one go leftward; that one lieth right upon the river.  It seemeth a big, squat monster, shaking a little, as one ready to spring upon its prey!’”

Sir Thomas.

“A dead man in his last agonies, no doubt!  Your deer-stealer doth boggle at nothing.  He hath alway the knife in doublet and the devil at elbow.

“I wot not of any keeper killed or missing.  To lose one’s deer and keeper too were overmuch.

“Do, in God’s merciful name, hand unto me a glass of sack, Master Silas!  I wax faintish at the big, squat man.  He hath harmed not only me, but mine.  Furthermore, the examination is grown so long.”

Then was the wine delivered by Sir Silas into the hand of his worship, who drank it off in a beaker of about half a pint,—­but little to his satisfaction, for he said shortly afterward, —

“Hast thou poured no water into the sack, good Master Silas?  It seemeth weaker and washier than ordinary, and affordeth small comfort unto the breast and stomach.”

“Not I, truly, sir,” replied Master Silas “and the bottle is a fresh and sound one.  The cork reported on drawing, as the best diver doth on sousing from Warwick bridge into Avon.  A rare cork! as bright as the glass bottle, and as smooth as the lips of any cow.”

Project Gutenberg
Citation and Examination of William Shakspeare, Euseby Treen, Joseph Carnaby, and Silas Gough, Clerk from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.