A Zola Dictionary; the Characters of the Rougon-Macquart Novels of Emile Zola; eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about A Zola Dictionary; the Characters of the Rougon-Macquart Novels of Emile Zola;.

A Zola Dictionary; the Characters of the Rougon-Macquart Novels of Emile Zola; eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about A Zola Dictionary; the Characters of the Rougon-Macquart Novels of Emile Zola;.

BIJARD (HENRIETTE), second daughter of Bijard.  She was five years old at the time of her mother’s death.  L’Assommoir.

BIJARD (JULES), third child of Bijard.  When his mother died he was three years old.  L’Assommoir.

BIJOU, the pet dog of Nana.  He excited the jealousy of Comte de Muffat.  Nana.

BILLECOQ (HERMINIE), a protegee of Madame Correur, who induced Eugene Rougon to provide a dowry, in order that she might marry an officer who had compromised her.  The officer did not, however, fulfill his promise, but went off with the dowry, of which he had obtained possession.  Son Excellence Eugene Rougon.

BLACHET, a deputy.  He desired leave of absence.  Son Excellence Eugene Rougon.

BLAISOT, a banker at Paris.  L’Argent.

BLANCHETTE, a cow which belonged to Lise and Francoise Fouan.  La Terre.

BLERIOT (M.  DE), prefect of the department in which Plassans is situated.  He accompanied Colonel Masson and the troops which crushed the Republican rising in 1851.  La Fortune des Rougon.

BLEUZE, a rope-walk at Montsou which was ruined by the miners’ strike. 

BLOND (MARIA), a young girl of fifteen who had grown up on the pavements of Paris.  She frequented the restaurant kept by Laure Piedefer.  Nana.

BOCHE (M.) the concierge of the large tenement-house in which resided the Coupeaus, Lorilleux, and others.  He and his wife were friendly with the various tenants in turn, sometimes siding with one and sometimes with another in the quarrels which so frequently arose.  In the presence of the landlord, of whom they were afraid, they assumed an air of great importance, and affected not to know the tenants.  They were present at Gervaise Coupeau’s birthday party.  L’Assommoir.

BOCHE (MADAME), wife of the preceding.  L’Assommoir.

Nana informed Satin that Madame Boche is dead.  Nana.

BOCHE (PAULINE), daughter of the preceding, was a girl of about the same age as Nana Coupeau, whose companion she was in all kinds of mischief.  L’Assommoir.

BOCQUET (MADAME), mother of Clarisse.  Pot-Bouille.

BOCQUET (CLARISSE), a woman on whom Duveyrier squandered large sums of money.  She ultimately gained such complete influence over him, and made him so unhappy, that he attempted to commit suicide.  Pot-Bouille.

BODIN (DOCTOR) was the regular medical attendant of Madame Helene Grandjean and her daughter Jeanne.  A sudden illness of Jeanne made it necessary to call in Doctor Deberle, who subsequently met the older man in consultation from time to time.  Une Page d’Amour.

Project Gutenberg
A Zola Dictionary; the Characters of the Rougon-Macquart Novels of Emile Zola; from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.