HUGON (GEORGES), the younger son of Madame Hugon. At seventeen years of age he became infatuated with Nana, and a liaison with her followed. His mother, having discovered the state of affairs, interfered, and kept him at Fondettes for some months after Nana had returned to Paris, but he ultimately followed her there. Though he was not affected by the knowledge that Nana had other lovers, he was driven to frenzy when he learned that his brother Philippe had become one of the number. He implored Nana to marry him, and when she refused to take his offer seriously he plunged a pair of her scissors into his breast. The injury was not immediately fatal, but he died a few months afterwards; some said as the result of the wound reopening, while others spoke of a second and successful attempt at suicide. Nana.
HUGON (PHILIPPE), the elder son of Madame Hugon. A tall, handsome youth, he quickly attained the rank of lieutenant in the army, and was stationed first in the garrison at Bourges, and afterwards at Vincennes. His mother imprudently sent him to endeavour to release Georges from the toils of Nana, with the result that he was himself ensnared. He had little money of his own, and, as the demands of Nana were unceasing, he began to take small sums from the regimental funds, of which he was treasurer. The thefts went on for a considerable time, and when discovery was made they amounted to twelve thousand francs. Philippe was arrested, and when he was released from prison some months afterwards, dishonoured for ever, he was only in time to join his mother at the death-bed of her other son, who was also a victim to Nana’s unhappy influence. Nana.
HUGUENIN, held a sinecure worth six thousand francs at the Ministry of the Interior. When he died Eugene Rougon, the Minister, gave the post to Leon Bejuin. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon.
HUPEL DE LA NOUE (M.), prefet of the district for which M. Mareuil was member. He arranged the tableaux vivants at the great party given by Aristide Saccard. La Curee.
HURET, a member of the Chamber of Deputies who obtained his election through the influence of Eugene Rougon. His very existence depended on the favour of the Minister of State, towards whom he conducted himself as a sort of general servant. “By following this calling for a couple of years he had, thanks to bribes and pickings, prudently realized, been able to increase his estates.” Having ascertained that Rougon would not oppose the foundation of the Universal Bank, Huret became a director; later on, when the shares had risen to their highest point, he sold out in the knowledge that Rougon had decided to abandon his brother and that a catastrophe would be inevitable. L’Argent.