Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 240 pages of information about Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp.

Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 240 pages of information about Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp.

When the Lady Bedrulbudour saw this, she cried out and said to him, “What hath this holy anchoress done, that thou burthenest thyself with the sore burden of her blood?  Hast thou no fear of God, that thou dost this and hast slain Fatimeh, who was a holy woman and whose divine gifts were renowned?” Quoth he to her, “I have not slain Fatimeh; nay, I have slain him who slew her; for that this is the brother of the accursed Maugrabin enchanter, who took thee and by his sorcery transported the palace with thee to the land of Africa.  Yea, this accursed one was his brother and came to this country and wrought these frauds, slaying Fatimeh and donning her clothes and coming hither, so he might take vengeance on me for his brother.  Moreover, it was he who taught thee to seek of me a Roc’s egg, so my destruction should ensue thereof; and if thou misdoubt of my word, come and see whom I have slain.”  So saying, he did off the Maugrabin’s chin veil and the Lady Bedrulbudour looked and saw a man whose beard covered his face; whereupon she at once knew the truth and said to Alaeddin, “O my beloved, twice have I cast thee into danger of death;” and he said to her, “O Lady Bedrulbudour, thanks to thine eyes, [FN#670] no harm [hath betided me thereof; nay,] I accept with all joy everything that cometh to me through thee.”  When the princess heard this, she hastened to embrace him and kissed him, saying, “O my beloved, all this was of my love for thee and I knew not what I did; [FN#671] nor indeed am I negligent of thy love.” [FN#672] Whereupon Alaeddin kissed her and strained her to his breast and love redoubled between them.

Presently, in came the Sultan; so they told him of all that had passed with the Maugrabin enchanter’s brother and showed him the latter, as he lay dead; whereupon he bade burn him and scatter his ashes to the winds.  Thenceforward Alaeddin abode with his wife the Lady Bedrulbudour in all peace and pleasure and was delivered from all perils.  Then, after a while, the Sultan died and Alaeddin sat down on the throne of the kingdom and ruled and did justice among the people; and all the folk loved him and he lived with his wife, the Lady Bedrulbudour, in all cheer and solace and contentment till there came to them the Destroyer of Delights and the Sunderer of Societies.


[FN#1] i.e. (1) Zeyn Alasnam, (2) Codadad. (3) The Sleeper Awakened. (4) Aladdin. (5) Baba Abdallah. (6) Sidi Nouman. (7) Cogia Hassan Alhabbah (8) Ali Baba. (9) Ali Cogia. (10) Prince Ahmed and Pari-Banou. (11) The Sisters who envied their younger Sister.

Project Gutenberg
Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.