Anne of the Island eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 307 pages of information about Anne of the Island.

Anne of the Island eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 307 pages of information about Anne of the Island.

She could not avoid seeing him again, but the outraged Charlie took care that it should not be at very close quarters.  Miss Ada’s cushions were henceforth safe from his depredations, and when he met Anne on the street, or in Redmond’s halls, his bow was icy in the extreme.  Relations between these two old schoolmates continued to be thus strained for nearly a year!  Then Charlie transferred his blighted affections to a round, rosy, snub-nosed, blue-eyed, little Sophomore who appreciated them as they deserved, whereupon he forgave Anne and condescended to be civil to her again; in a patronizing manner intended to show her just what she had lost.

One day Anne scurried excitedly into Priscilla’s room.

“Read that,” she cried, tossing Priscilla a letter.  “It’s from Stella—­and she’s coming to Redmond next year—­and what do you think of her idea?  I think it’s a perfectly splendid one, if we can only carry it out.  Do you suppose we can, Pris?”

“I’ll be better able to tell you when I find out what it is,” said Priscilla, casting aside a Greek lexicon and taking up Stella’s letter.  Stella Maynard had been one of their chums at Queen’s Academy and had been teaching school ever since.

“But I’m going to give it up, Anne dear,” she wrote, “and go to college next year.  As I took the third year at Queen’s I can enter the Sophomore year.  I’m tired of teaching in a back country school.  Some day I’m going to write a treatise on ‘The Trials of a Country Schoolmarm.’  It will be a harrowing bit of realism.  It seems to be the prevailing impression that we live in clover, and have nothing to do but draw our quarter’s salary.  My treatise shall tell the truth about us.  Why, if a week should pass without some one telling me that I am doing easy work for big pay I would conclude that I might as well order my ascension robe ’immediately and to onct.’  ‘Well, you get your money easy,’ some rate-payer will tell me, condescendingly.  ’All you have to do is to sit there and hear lessons.’  I used to argue the matter at first, but I’m wiser now.  Facts are stubborn things, but as some one has wisely said, not half so stubborn as fallacies.  So I only smile loftily now in eloquent silence.  Why, I have nine grades in my school and I have to teach a little of everything, from investigating the interiors of earthworms to the study of the solar system.  My youngest pupil is four—­his mother sends him to school to ’get him out of the way’—­and my oldest twenty—­it ’suddenly struck him’ that it would be easier to go to school and get an education than follow the plough any longer.  In the wild effort to cram all sorts of research into six hours a day I don’t wonder if the children feel like the little boy who was taken to see the biograph.  ’I have to look for what’s coming next before I know what went last,’ he complained.  I feel like that myself.

Project Gutenberg
Anne of the Island from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.