[Editor’s Note: Missing text.]
laws are not well enforced in some states. The facing table shows the number of children of school age in and out of school in the several states in 1915-1916. For the country as a whole, 17.4 per cent of the children of school age were not in school.
“School terms are so short in many states and compulsory attendance is so badly enforced that the school life of the average person growing up in rural sections is only 4.5 School years of 140 days each. In urban communities conditions are better, but far from satisfactory.” [Footnote: Bulletin, 1919, No. 4, U. S. Bureau of Education, “A Manual of Educational Legislation,” p. 6.]
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The facing table shows the number of days the public schools were open, the average number of days of attendance by each pupil enrolled, and the rank of the state in each case, for each state in the school year 1915-1916.
Why would it not be more democratic to permit children to attend school or not as they or their parents wish?
Discuss the statement that “education makes people free.” Compare this statement with a somewhat similar statement made on page 136, Chapter xi.
What is the compulsory school age in your state?
Is wide variation in the compulsory school age among the different states a good thing? Why?
Is the compulsory school law rigidly enforced in your state? How is it enforced?
How much of each year must a child spend in school during the compulsory period in your state?
Investigate the reasons given by pupils in your community for leaving school before completing the course, and report.
What rank does your state hold with respect to length of term? to average daily attendance of pupils? (See table.)
What rank does your state hold with respect to number of children of school age in and out of school? (See table.)
What is the length of your own school year? Do you think it should be lengthened? Why?
Get from your teacher or principal the average daily attendance for each pupil enrolled in your school; in your county. Do you think this record could be improved?
Is there any good reason why the school year should be shorter in rural communities than in cities?
It is advocated by many that schools should be open the year round. What advantages can you see in the plan? Debate the question.