Marmion eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 367 pages of information about Marmion.

Marmion eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 367 pages of information about Marmion.
would suffer extreme penalty for their ruthless conduct, the hermit asked the gentlemen to be sent for, and said he would pardon them on certain conditions.  ’The gentlemen being present bade him save their lives.—­Then said the hermit, “You and yours shall hold your lands of the Abbot of Whitby, and his successors, in this manner:  That, upon Ascension-day, you, or some of you, shall come to the wood of the Stray-heads, which is in Eskdale-side, the same day at sun-rising, and there shall the abbot’s officer blow his horn, to the intent that you may know where to find him; and he shall deliver unto you, William de Bruce, ten stakes, eleven strout stowers, and eleven yethers, to be cut by you, or some of you, with a knife of one penny price:  and you, Ralph de Percy, shall take twenty-one of each sort, to be cut in the same manner; and you, Allatson, shall take nine of each sort, to be cut as aforesaid, and to be taken on your backs and carried to the town of Whitby, and to be there before nine of the clock the same day before mentioned.  At the same hour of nine of the clock, if it be full sea, your labour and service shall cease; and if low water, each of you shall set your stakes to the brim, each stake one yard from the other, and so yether them on each side with your yethers; and so stake on each side with your strout stowers, that they may stand three tides, without removing by the force thereof.  Each of you shall do, make, and execute the said service, at that very hour, every year, except it be fall sea at that hour; but when it shall so fall out, this service shall cease.  You shall faithfully do this, in remembrance that you did most cruelly slay me; and that you may the better call to God for mercy, repent unfeignedly of your sins, and do good works.  The officer of Eskdale-side shall blow, Out on you!  Out on you!  Out on you! for this heinous crime.  If you, or your successors, shall refuse this service, so long as it shall not be full sea at the aforesaid hour, you or yours shall forfeit your lands to the Abbot of Whitby, or his successors.  This I entreat, and earnestly beg, that you may have lives and goods preserved for this service:  and I request of you to promise, by your parts in Heaven, that it shall be done by you and your successors, as is aforesaid requested; and I will confirm it by the faith of an honest man.”—­ Then the hermit said, “My soul longeth for the Lord:  and I do as freely forgive these men my death, as Christ forgave the thieves on the cross.”  And, in the presence of the abbot and the rest, he said moreover these words:  “In manus tuos, Domine, commendo spiritum meum, a vinculis enim mortis redemisti me, Domine veritatis, Amen."- -So he yielded up the ghost the eighth day of December, anno Domini 1159, whose soul God have mercy upon.  Amen.

’"This service,” it is added, “still continues to be performed with the prescribed ceremonies, though not by the proprietors in person.  Part of the lands charged therewith are now held by a gentleman of the name of Herbert."’—­Scott.

Project Gutenberg
Marmion from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.