The Spoilers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 333 pages of information about The Spoilers.

The Spoilers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 333 pages of information about The Spoilers.

“You’re being shadowed.”

“I’ve known that for a long time.”

“The district-attorney has put on some new men.  I’ve fixed the woman who rooms next to him, and through her I’ve got a line on some of them, but I haven’t spotted them all.  They’re bad ones—­ ‘up-river’ men mostly—­remnants of Soapy Smith’s Skagway gang.  They won’t stop at anything.”

“Thank you—­I’ll keep my eyes open.”

A few nights after, Glenister had reason to recall the words of the sleuth and to realize that the game was growing close and desperate.  To reach his cabin, which sat on the outskirts of the town, he ordinarily followed one of the plank walks which wound through the confusion of tents, warehouses, and cottages lying back of the two principal streets along the water front.  This part of the city was not laid out in rectangular blocks, for in the early rush the first-comers had seized whatever pieces of ground they found vacant and erected thereon some kind of buildings to make good their titles.  There resulted a formless jumble of huts, cabins, and sheds, penetrated by no cross streets and quite unlighted.  At night, one leaving the illuminated portion of the town found this darkness intensified.

Glenister knew his course so well that he could have walked it blindfolded.  Nearing a corner of the warehouse this evening he remembered that the planking at this point was torn up, so, to avoid the mud, he leaped lightly across.  Simultaneously with his jump he detected a movement in the shadows that banked the wall at his elbow and saw the flaming spurt of a revolver-shot.  The man had crouched behind the building and was so close that it seemed impossible to miss.  Glenister fell heavily upon his side and the thought flashed over him, “McNamara’s thugs have shot me.”

His assailant leaped out from his hiding-place and ran down the walk, the sound of his quick, soft footfalls thudding faintly out into the silence.  The young man felt no pain, however, so scrambled to his feet, felt himself over with care, and then swore roundly.  He was untouched; the other had missed him cleanly.  The report, coming while he was in the act of leaping, had startled him so that he had lost his balance, slipped upon the wet boards, and fallen.  His assailant was lost in the darkness before he could rise.  Pursuit was out of the question, so he continued homeward, considerably shaken, and related the incident to Dextry.

“You think it was some of McNamara’s work, eh?” Dextry inquired when he had finished.

“Of course.  Didn’t the detective warn me to-day?”

Dextry shook his head.  “It don’t seem like the game is that far along yet.  The time is coming when we’ll go to the mat with them people, but they’ve got the aige on us now, so what could they gain by putting you away?  I don’t believe it’s them, but whoever it is, you’d better be careful or you’ll be got.”

Project Gutenberg
The Spoilers from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.