The Spoilers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 333 pages of information about The Spoilers.

The Spoilers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 333 pages of information about The Spoilers.

“You mustn’t talk about me that way—­I can answer your questions.  It’s true—­I ran away.  I had to.  The sailors came after me and fought with these men.  I had to get away quickly, and your friends helped me on here from gentlemanly kindness, because they saw me unprotected.  They are still protecting me.  I can’t explain how important it is for me to reach Nome on the first boat, because it isn’t my secret.  It was important enough to make me leave my uncle at Seattle at an hour’s notice when we found there was no one else who could go.  That’s all I can say.  I took my maid with me, but the sailors caught her just as she was following me down the ship’s ladder.  She had my bag of clothes when they seized her.  I cast off the rope and rowed ashore as fast as I could, but they lowered another boat and followed me.”

The captain eyed her sharply, and his grim lines softened a bit, for she was clean-cut and womanly, and utterly out of place, He took her in, shrewdly, detail by detail, then spoke directly to her: 

“My dear young lady—­the other ships will get there just as quickly as ours, maybe more quickly.  To-morrow we strike the ice-pack and then it is all a matter of luck.”

“Yes, but the ship I left won’t get there.”

At this the commander started, and, darting a great, thick-fingered hand at her, spoke savagely: 

“What’s that?  What ship?  Which one did you come from?  Answer me.”

“The Ohio,” she replied, with the effect of a hand-grenade.  The master glared at her.

“The Ohio!  Good God!  You dare to stand there and tell me that?” He turned and poured his rage upon the others.

“She says the Ohio, d’ye hear?  You’ve ruined me!  I’ll put you in irons—­all of you.  The Ohio!”

“What d’ye mean?  What’s up?”

“What’s up?  There’s small-pox aboard the Ohio!  This girl has broken quarantine.  The health inspectors bottled up the boat at six o’clock last night!  That’s why I pulled out of Unalaska ahead of time, to avoid any possible delay.  Now we’ll all be held up when we get to Nome.  Great Heavens! do you realize what this means—­bringing this hussy aboard?”

His eyes burned and his voice shook, while the two partners stared at each other in dismay.  Too well they knew the result of a small-pox panic aboard this crowded troop-ship.  Not only was every available cabin bulging with passengers, but the lower decks were jammed with both humanity and live stock all in the most unsanitary conditions.  The craft, built for three hundred passengers, was carrying triple her capacity; men and women were stowed away like cattle.  Order and a half-tolerable condition were maintained only by the efforts of the passengers themselves, who held to the thought that imprisonment and inconvenience would last but a few days longer.  They had been aboard three weeks and every heart was aflame with the desire to reach Nome—­to reach it ahead of the pressing horde behind.

Project Gutenberg
The Spoilers from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.