The Lion of the North eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 376 pages of information about The Lion of the North.

The Lion of the North eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 376 pages of information about The Lion of the North.

“And now to business, Nigel,” Colonel Munro said.  “We have not come back to Scotland to see the country, or to enjoy your weather, or even for the pleasure of swimming your rivers in flood.

“We are commissioned by the King of Sweden to raise some 3000 or 4000 more Scottish troops.  I believe that the king intends to take part in the war in Germany, where the Protestants are getting terribly mauled, and where, indeed, it is likely that the Reformed Religion will be stamped out altogether unless the Swedes strike in to their rescue.  My chief object is to fill up to its full strength of two thousand men the Mackay Regiment, of which I am lieutenant colonel.  The rest of the recruits whom we may get will go as drafts to fill up the vacancies in the other regiments.  So you see here we are, and it is our intention to beat up all our friends and relations, and ask them each to raise a company or half a company of recruits, of which, of course, they would have the command.

“We landed at Berwick, and wrote to several of our friends that we were coming.  Scott of Jedburgh has engaged to raise a company.  Balfour of Lauderdale, who is a cousin of mine, has promised to bring another; they were both at St. Andrew’s with us, as you may remember, Graheme.  Young Hamilton, who had been an ensign in my regiment, left us on the way.  He will raise a company in Douglasdale.  Now, Graheme, don’t you think you can bring us a band of the men of Nithsdale?”

“I don’t know,” Graheme said hesitatingly.  “I should like it of all things, for I am sick of doing nothing here, and my blood often runs hot when I read of the persecutions of the Protestants in Germany; but I don’t think I can manage it.”

“Oh, nonsense, Nigel!” said Hume; “you can manage it easily enough if you have the will.  Are you thinking of the lad there?  Why not bring him with you?  He is young, certainly, but he could carry a colour; and as for his spirit and bravery, Munro and I will vouch for it.”

“Oh, do, uncle,” the lad exclaimed, leaping to his feet in his excitement.  “I promise you I would not give you any trouble; and as for marching, there isn’t a man in Nithsdale who can tire me out across the mountains.”

“But what’s to become of the house, Malcolm, and the land and the herds?”

“Oh, they will be all right,” the boy said.  “Leave old Duncan in charge, and he will look after them.”

“But I had intended you to go to St. Andrews next year, Malcolm, and I think the best plan will be for you to go there at once.  As you say, Duncan can look after the place.”

Malcolm’s face fell.

“Take the lad with you, Graheme,” Colonel Munro said.  “Three years under Gustavus will do him vastly more good than will St. Andrews.  You know it never did us any good to speak of.  We learned a little more Latin than we knew when we went there, but I don’t know that that has been of any use to us; whereas for the dry tomes of divinity we waded through, I am happy to say that not a single word of the musty stuff remains in my brains.  The boy will see life and service, he will have opportunities of distinguishing himself under the eye of the most chivalrous king in Europe, he will have entered a noble profession, and have a fair chance of bettering his fortune, all of which is a thousand times better than settling down here in this corner of Scotland.”

Project Gutenberg
The Lion of the North from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.