The Philanderer eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 98 pages of information about The Philanderer.

The Philanderer eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 98 pages of information about The Philanderer.

Julia (snatching her hand away in disgust).  Oh, stop talking that nasty sneering stuff.

Charteris (laughingly appealing to the heavens).  She calls it nasty sneering stuff!  Well, well:  I’ll never talk like that to you again, dearest.  It only means that you are a beautiful woman, and that we all love you.

Julia.  Don’t say that:  I hate it.  It sounds as if I were a mere animal.

Charteris.  Hm!  A fine animal is a very wonderful thing.  Don’t let us disparage animals, Julia.

Julia.  That is what you really think me.

Charteris.  Come, Julia:  you don’t expect me to admire you for your moral qualities, do you? (She turns and looks hard at him.  He starts up apprehensively and backs away from her.  She rises and follows him up slowly and intently.)

Julia (deliberately).  I have seen you very much infatuated with this depraved creature who has no moral qualities.

Charteris (retreating).  Keep off, Julia.  Remember your new obligations to Paramore.

Julia (overtaking him in the middle of the room).  Never mind Paramore:  that is my business. (She grasps the lappels of his coat in her hands, and looks fixedly at him.) Oh, if the people you talk so cleverly to could only know you as I know you!  Sometimes I wonder at myself for ever caring for you.

Charteris (beaming at her).  Only sometimes?

Julia.  You fraud!  You humbug!  You miserable little plaster saint! (He looks delighted.) Oh! (In a paroxysm half of rage, half of tenderness, she shakes him, growling over him like a tigress over her cub.  Paramore and Craven at this moment return from the consulting room, and are thunderstruck at the spectacle.)

Craven (shouting, utterly scandalized).  Julia!! (Julia releases Charteris, but stands her ground disdainfully as they come forward, Craven on her left, Paramore on her right.)

Paramore.  What’s the matter?

Charteris.  Nothing, nothing.  You’ll soon get used to this, Paramore.

Craven.  Now really, Julia, this is a very extraordinary way to behave. 
It’s not fair to Paramore.

Julia (coldly).  If Dr. Paramore objects he can break off our engagement. (To Paramore) Pray don’t hesitate.

Paramore (looking doubtfully and anxiously at her).  Do you wish me to break it off?

Charteris (alarmed).  Nonsense! don’t act so hastily.  It was my fault.  I annoyed Miss Craven—­insulted her.  Hang it all, don’t go and spoil everything like this.

Craven.  This is most infernally perplexing.  I can’t believe that you insulted Julia, Charteris.  I’ve no doubt you annoyed her—­you’d annoy anybody; upon my soul you would—­but insult!—­now what do you mean by that?

Paramore (very earnestly).  Miss Craven; delicacy and sincerity I ask you to be frank with me.  What are the relations between you and Charteris?

Project Gutenberg
The Philanderer from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.