First S. How do you do, Mrs. Vane?
Chloe. I don’t know you.
First S. Your memory is bad, ma’am: You knew me yesterday well enough. One day is not a long time, nor are three years.
Chloe. Who are you?
First S. Come, ma’am, come! The Caster case.
Chloe. I don’t know you, I say. [To Mrs. Hillcrist] How can you be so vile?
First S. Let me refresh your memory, ma’am. [Producing a notebook] Just on three years ago; “Oct.3. To fee and expenses Mrs. Vane with Mr. C——, Hotel Beaulieu, Twenty pounds. Oct. 10, Do., Twenty pounds.” [To Hornblower] Would you like to glance at this book, sir? You’ll see they’re genuine entries.
[Hornblower makes
a motion to do so, but checks himself and
looks at Chloe.]
Chloe. [Hysterically] It’s all lies—lies!
First S. Come, ma’am, we wish you no harm.
Chloe. Take me away. I won’t be treated like this.
Mrs. H. [In a low voice] Confess.
Chloe. Lies!
Hornblower. Were ye ever called Vane?
Chloe. No, never.
[She makes a movement
towards the window, but Dawker is in the
way, and she halts.
First S. [Opening the door, Right]
[The second Stranger comes in quickly. At sight of him Chloe throws up her hands, gasps, breaks down, stage Left, and stands covering her face with her hands. It is so complete a confession that Hornblower stands staggered; and, taking out a coloured handkerchief, wipes his brow.]
Dawker. Are you convinced?
Hornblower. Take those men away.
Dawker. If you’re not satisfied, we can get other evidence; plenty.
Hornblower. [Looking at Chloe] That’s
enough. Take them out.
Leave me alone with her.
[Dawker takes them
out Right. Mrs. Hillcrist passes Hornblower
and goes out at the
window. Hornblower moves down a step or
two towards Chloe.]
Hornblower. My God!
Chloe. [With an outburst] Don’t tell Charlie! Don’t tell Charlie!
Hornblower. Chearlie! So, that was your manner of life.
[Chloe utters a moaning sound.]
So that’s what ye got out of by marryin’ into my family! Shame on ye, ye Godless thing!
Chloe. Don’t tell Charlie!
Hornblower. And that’s all ye can
say for the wreck ye’ve wrought.
My family, my works, my future! How dared ye!
Chloe. If you’d been me!——
Hornblower. An’ these Hillcrists. The skin game of it!