Plays : First Series eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 254 pages of information about Plays .

Plays : First Series eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 254 pages of information about Plays .

Barthwick. [Suppressing jumps.] But in view of my son’s saying there’s nothing in this—­this fable—­will it be necessary to proceed against the man under the circumstances?

Snow.  We shall have to charge him with the assault, sir.  It would be as well for your son to come down to the Court.  There’ll be a remand, no doubt.  The queer thing is there was quite a sum of money found on him, and a crimson silk purse.

     [Barthwick starts; Jack rises and sits dozen again.]

I suppose the lady has n’t missed her purse?

Barthwick. [Hastily.] Oh, no!  Oh!  No!

Jack.  No!

Mrs. Barthwick. [Dreamily.] No! [To snow.] I ’ve been inquiring of the servants.  This man does hang about the house.  I shall feel much safer if he gets a good long sentence; I do think we ought to be protected against such ruffians.

Barthwick.  Yes, yes, of course, on principle but in this case we have a number of things to think of. [To snow.] I suppose, as you say, the man must be charged, eh?

Snow.  No question about that, sir.

Barthwick. [Staring gloomily at Jack.] This prosecution goes very much against the grain with me.  I have great sympathy with the poor.  In my position I ’m bound to recognise the distress there is amongst them.  The condition of the people leaves much to be desired.  D’ you follow me?  I wish I could see my way to drop it.

Mrs. Barthwick. [Sharply.] John! it’s simply not fair to other people.  It’s putting property at the mercy of any one who likes to take it.

Barthwick. [Trying to make signs to her aside.] I ’m not defending him, not at all.  I’m trying to look at the matter broadly.

Mrs. Barthwick.  Nonsense, John, there’s a time for everything.

Snow. [Rather sardonically.] I might point out, sir, that to withdraw the charge of stealing would not make much difference, because the facts must come out [he looks significantly at Jack] in reference to the assault; and as I said that charge will have to go forward.

Barthwick. [Hastily.] Yes, oh! exactly!  It’s entirely on the woman’s account—­entirely a matter of my own private feelings.

Snow.  If I were you, sir, I should let things take their course.  It’s not likely there’ll be much difficulty.  These things are very quick settled.

Barthwick. [Doubtfully.] You think so—­you think so?

Jack. [Rousing himself.] I say, what shall I have to swear to?

Snow.  That’s best known to yourself, sir. [Retreating to the door.] Better employ a solicitor, sir, in case anything should arise.  We shall have the butler to prove the loss of the article.  You’ll excuse me going, I ’m rather pressed to-night.  The case may come on any time after eleven.  Good evening, sir; good evening, ma’am.  I shall have to produce the box in court to-morrow, so if you’ll excuse me, sir, I may as well take it with me.

Project Gutenberg
Plays : First Series from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.