Absalom's Hair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 148 pages of information about Absalom's Hair.

Absalom's Hair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 148 pages of information about Absalom's Hair.

Her hair was abundant, glossy, and slightly curling; she still wore it hanging loose over her neck and shoulders, as she had done as a child.  Her great eyes seemed to look out upon a new world; but one felt that the lower part of her face was scarcely in harmony with the upper.  The cheeks fell in a little; the prominent nose made the mouth look smaller than it actually was; her neck seemed only to lead the eye downward to her bosom, which almost appeared to caress her throat, especially when her head was bent forward, as was generally the case.  And very beautiful the throat was, delicate in colour, superb in contour, and admirably set upon the bust.  For this reason she could never find in her heart to hide this full white neck, but always kept it uncovered.  Her finely moulded bust surmounting a slender waist and small hips, her rounded arms, her long hands, her graceful carriage, in her tightly-fitting dress, formed such a striking picture that one did more than look—­one was obliged to study her, When the elegance and beauty of her dress were taken into account, one realised how much intelligence and artistic taste had here been exercised.

She was friendly in society, natural and composed, always occupied with something, always with that wondering expression.  She spoke very little, but her words were always well chosen.

All this, and her general disposition, made people chary of opposing her, more especially those who knew how intelligent she was and how much knowledge she possessed.

She had no friends of her own, but her innumerable relations supplied her with society, gossip, and flattery, and were at once her friends and body-guard.  She would have had to go abroad to be alone.

Among these relations she was a princess:  they not only paid her homage, but had sworn by “Life and Death” that she must marry without more ado, which was absolutely against her wish.

From her childhood she had been laying by money, but the amount of her savings was far less than her relations supposed.  This rather mythical fortune contributed not a little to the fact that “every one” was in love with her.  Not only the bachelors of the family, that was a matter of course, but artists and amateurs, even the most blase, swarmed round her, la jeunesse doree (which is homely enough in Norway), without an exception.  A living work of art, worth more or less money, piquante and admired, how each longed to carry her home, to gloat over her, to call her his own!

There was surely more intensity of feeling near her than near others, a losing of oneself in one only; that unattainable dream of the world-weary.

With her one could lead a thoroughly stylish life, full of art and taste and comfort.  She was highly cultivated, and absolutely emancipated—­our little country did not, in those days, possess a more alluring expression.

When face to face with her they were uncertain how to act, whether to approach her diffidently or boldly, smile or look serious, talk or be silent.

Project Gutenberg
Absalom's Hair from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.