State of the Union Address eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 23 pages of information about State of the Union Address.

State of the Union Address eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 23 pages of information about State of the Union Address.

Good jobs depend on expanded trade.  Selling into new markets creates new jobs, so I ask Congress to finally approve trade promotion authority.  (Applause.) On these two key issues, trade and energy, the House of Representatives has acted to create jobs, and I urge the Senate to pass this legislation. (Applause.)

Good jobs depend on sound tax policy. (Applause.) Last year, some in this hall thought my tax relief plan was too small; some thought it was too big.  (Applause.) But when the checks arrived in the mail, most Americans thought tax relief was just about right. (Applause.) Congress listened to the people and responded by reducing tax rates, doubling the child credit, and ending the death tax.  For the sake of long-term growth and to help Americans plan for the future, let’s make these tax cuts permanent.  (Applause.)

The way out of this recession, the way to create jobs, is to grow the economy by encouraging investment in factories and equipment, and by speeding up tax relief so people have more money to spend.  For the sake of American workers, let’s pass a stimulus package. (Applause.)

Good jobs must be the aim of welfare reform.  As we reauthorize these important reforms, we must always remember the goal is to reduce dependency on government and offer every American the dignity of a job. (Applause.)

Americans know economic security can vanish in an instant without health security.  I ask Congress to join me this year to enact a patients’ bill of rights—­(applause)—­to give uninsured workers credits to help buy health coverage—­(applause)—­to approve an historic increase in the spending for veterans’ health—­(applause)—­and to give seniors a sound and modern Medicare system that includes coverage for prescription drugs.  (Applause.)

A good job should lead to security in retirement.  I ask Congress to enact new safeguards for 401K and pension plans. (Applause.) Employees who have worked hard and saved all their lives should not have to risk losing everything if their company fails. (Applause.) Through stricter accounting standards and tougher disclosure requirements, corporate America must be made more accountable to employees and shareholders and held to the highest standards of conduct. (Applause.)

Retirement security also depends upon keeping the commitments of Social Security, and we will.  We must make Social Security financially stable and allow personal retirement accounts for younger workers who choose them.  (Applause.)

Members, you and I will work together in the months ahead on other issues:  productive farm policy—­(applause)—­a cleaner environment—­(applause) —­broader home ownership, especially among minorities—­(applause)—­and ways to encourage the good work of charities and faith-based groups.  (Applause.) I ask you to join me on these important domestic issues in the same spirit of cooperation we’ve applied to our war against terrorism.  (Applause.)

Project Gutenberg
State of the Union Address from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.